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改变管接头的定点位置。Change placement location of fitting.

试验结果表明,定点的G。Experiments results show that fixed-point G.

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这是实际的定点迭代循环。This is the actual fixed-point iteration loop.

每一个定点之后,转身,忘却。Each fixed-point turns round after, forgetting.

该方法在某地质勘查项目定点实验中取得成功。We got success at a tr ial of some geological item.

下颌能做以髁状突为定点的转动。The lower jaw can rotate as the fixpoint is condyle.

卢沟桥医院是奥运会定点医院。Lugouqiao hospital is an Olympic designated hospital.

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另有许多解说员在展场定点为您解说。There are also many exhibit guides around the Museum.

浮点数的表示精度要比定点数高的多。Floating-point precision than that of fixed-point higher.

是我成为了你生命里的甲乙丙丁,还是你成为了我生命里的定点?I become your life a second third Ding, you become my point?

新发地市场的猪肉来自13个定点屠宰场。The new fat from the pork market to 13 fixed-point slaughterhouse.

另请注意,您必须显式地在扩展名中指定点。Also note that you must explicitly specify the dot in the extension.

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是国家定点生产起重机的专业公司。Juli is one of the national authorized professional crane manufacturers.

于香港境内提供定点天气服务。"MyObservatory" provides location-specific weather service in Hong Kong.

这种做法是在自己判断力较弱时,对定点了结法的补充。This is in their own weak sense, the end of the fixed-point method to add.

本文设计了一款面向16位定点DSP芯片的三阶电荷泵锁相环。This paper presents a third-order CPPLL used in the 16-bit fixed-point DSP.

本文介绍了一种定点式氦液面指示计。A superconducting point-type level indicator for liquid helium is developed.

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与其他展会一样,我们本次展会也采取定点城市的方式。As with all our other events, we implement a one-city method for our events.

微电脑全自动追踪封口,胶膜定点,确保封膜准确。Micro-controlled system with film detection ensure high precision in sealing.

微电脑全自动追踪封口,胶膜定点,确保封膜准确。Micro-controlled system with film detection ensures high precision in sealing.