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所以现在很混杂了。So it's very mixed now.

羊群全被混杂了。The sheep were all boxed up.

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所以,我觉得这里相当混杂。So I find it really quite varied.

当然,混杂状态是有风险的。To be sure, hybridity poses risks.

淡色是纯色与白色混杂后的成果。A tint is the hue mixed with white.

深色是纯色与灰色混杂的产品。A shade is the hue mixed with black.

煤层和铁矿混杂在一起。Coal seams intermixed with iron ore.

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经济上,我们的记录有些混杂。On the economy, our record was mixed.

淡色是纯色与白色混杂后的成果。A tone is the hue mixed with true gray.

他们会使用这种混杂语言来进行交流And this pidgin was how they would talk.

这就是破坏戒律,因此,是混杂。This is precept-breaking, hence, "mixed-up".

事实与虚构混杂难分。Fact is inextricably commingled with fiction.

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如何是一个人破坏戒律的混杂教士?How is one a precept-breaking mixed-up priest?

混杂着亚麻仁、水果、肉桂的燕麦碎粒Steel-cut oats with flaxseeds, fruit, cinnamon

混杂纤维由玻璃纤维和复合包芯纱混杂构成。The fibers are glass fiber and core-spun yarn.

就是说,它们是由混杂语言发展而来的That means that they were developed from pidgins.

整件事是说谎加上欺骗的混杂。The whole story was a farrago of lies and deceit.

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这些项目混杂着遗留代码和新写代码。The projects are a mixture of legacy and new code.

“但是,我热爱纽约混杂的人群和混杂的食物”。But I loved the mix of people and food in New York.

这就是所谓的"混杂语言"And this is called a "Pidgin," P-I-d-g-I-n, a pidgin.