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他以极严密的逻辑争辨。He argued with deadly logic.

但是她是非常严密的与我们。But sh is vry strict with us.

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这个理论是非常严密的。This theory is very rigorous.

警察在严密跟捬他。The police are hard on his heels.

他们是一支组织严密的球队。They are a very close-knit group.

警察严密监视那些流浪者。Police kept a close watch on the vagrants.

动物给严密地关了起来。The animals are kept in close confinement.

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口感结实,结构严密,是一款适饮酒。Firm mouth. Structured ready to drink wine.

他们不要一律平等和严密的组织。They don't want equality and regimentation.

我们为设计的严密而惊叹。We marveled at the closeness of the design.

皮亚琴察是一个很有实力组织严密的球队。This is a side with quality and organisation.

在城市社会里,结构严密,步调迅速。In an urban society in which highly structured.

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邓布利多的防范严密的金库是713号。Dumbledore's high security vault was number 713.

即使狼亲属也被收入结构严密的组织。Even lupus Kinfolk gather in tightly knit packs.

严密监视裸官也于事无补。Nor will the close monitoring of naked officials.

他的建议是让孩子在严密监督下攀岩。He recommends rock-climbing with close supervision.

要召唤出龙,需要经过严密的步骤。A strict procedure is required to recall the dragon.

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双方的甲板孔是否都已堵塞严密?Are scuppers on both ship decks effectively plugged?

但其它一些包体看起来被包裹得很严密。But other inclusions appear to be entirely enclosed.

氧是如何严密第淬灭荧光的?How exactly does the oxygen quench the fluorescence?