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挺喜欢这种装饰画,很有灵动的气息。Like the rhythm of these paintings.

那个女生手指灵动,弹奏出美妙的旋律。The girl fingers smart, play the melody.

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听到非法防守?若苍林之优雅,似碧海之灵动。The grace of the forest and the spirit of the sea.

画有看得见的姿态,它是人性的,是灵动的。The paint has visible gestures, it is human, it moves.

伴随灵动的文字,穿越多彩的五洲四海。With clever text, through all the five continents and colorful.

它也给人一种灵动的感觉,鼓励创造性。It also gives a sense of spirituality and encourages creativity.

它体积小,很优雅的,略具攻击性,但是整体效果非常灵动。It’s minimal, elegant, slightly aggressive, but overall dynamic.

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光和影的交错之间,色调灵动变幻,缔造双眼绝魅迷情!Create flexible tone from the cross of light and shadow, and make eyes tempting.

灵动饰条点缀面板色彩,更添动感活力。The resilient decorative line dotted panel color adds vitality and dynamic power.

这幅长卷线条准确流畅,工细灵动,充满表现力。This picture scroll fluent, exquisitely clever lines accurate, full of expression.

她这才从门口跟了他进去,向来灵动的香奶替他拿着外套和帽子。She would follow him in while Jeannette , always alert, would take his coat and hat.

没有人困惑这个故事——我在回家之前已经学会如何活灵动现地跛行。No one suspected the story—I had learned to limp convincingly before I returned home.

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用灵动的色彩来描画入口或门厅,厨房和小角落也一样。Paint your entryway or hallway a fun color, the same for the kitchen and small nooks.

那缺少睡眠的眼睛,早已失去了孩童般的灵动,增添的却是一份迷茫与黯然。The lack of sleep eyes, long lost child is clever, add to it is a confused and dejected.

处女眼神是呆滞的看人盯着看,非处女眼神是灵动看人是散乱的。Virgin eyes are fixed on man look sluggish, non-virgins are Smart man eyes are scattered.

但她的双眼还如从前那般清澈灵动,行动起来依然如海面上掠过的影子般轻盈迅捷。But her eyes were still clear and unwearied, and she still moved like a shadow on the sea.

汇明,时尚浪尖上光芒四射的明星,汇聚所有的明丽与灵动色彩。Himens, the glamorous star on the fashion wave , clustering all the bright and smart colors.

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对灵动性的追求是小说语言走向诗化的一个重要途径。To seek the intelligence is an important way to the poetic flavor of the language offictions.

阿根廷的退役足球英雄迭戈马拉多纳,不过5尺5,却是拥有树干般双腿的灵动鬼才。Argentina's retired hero, Diego Maradona, stood only 5-5, an elusive sprite with tree-trunk legs.

然而只有山的雄伟还不够,这样的山虽刚强不屈,却缺少灵动与生机。Although these mountains are strong and unyielding, the painting is lack of cleverness and vitality.