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不一会儿桌子上就堆满了糖纸。Soon on the table fulls of sugars paper.

将烤箱预热375F,将巧克力糖纸拨除备用。Heat oven to 375F. Remove candy wrappers.

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糖纸都放进垃圾箱里去。Please put all your sweet wrappers in the bin.

你要把糖纸扔到垃圾桶里。Make sure you throw your candy wrappers in the trash.

一张糖纸引出一场荒唐的闹剧。An adhesive piece of candy wrap caused a ridiculous farce.

这个刚才还点着他们还在这里糖纸?。This was alight moments ago. They're still here! Sweet wrappers?

其中一个护理员取出一支棒棒糖,撕掉糖纸递给维斯特先生。She pulled out a lollipop, tore off the paper and offered it to Mr.

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吃了几块糖果就不吃了,把糖纸随手扔掉。He eats a few candies and then throws the candy wrappers away casually.

她的翅膀溶化在金色的光线中,仿若闪闪发亮的童年糖纸。Her feather wrapped in the golden light, just like shinny candy paper in Golden Time.

本发明公开了一种具有拼图功能的可食用糖纸。The present invention discloses a kind of edible candy paper with picture arrangement function.

她很喜欢吃糖,有一周,在吃完后,她把糖纸存在了钱包中。She is a big candy fan, and for a week, after she ate candy, she saved the wrapper in her purse.

有着天真的眼神和大胆的笑容,喜欢无颜六色的糖纸和蜡笔。我是个彩色的孩子。I have had innocent eyes and bold smile, who like all kinds of colors of sweet wrappers and crayons.

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在电影院用手机没问题。手机铃声听起来就像有人在揉糖纸。?It's okay to use my cell phone at the movies. The ringer sounds like someone crinkling a candy wrapper!

我希望你这次将清除掉你抽屉中所有的黏糊糊的旧糖纸和空信封。I hope you will clean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.

拿出精美的糖纸给一块块巧克力穿上“衣服”,一切就大功告成了!Bring out some nice sweet wrappers to put "clothes" on each piece of chocolate, and your creation is complete!

她还环绕这名字画了一个大大的鸡心,又用糖纸做成心形粘贴成“永远的朋友”,“成为我的”等短语。She drew a large heart around the name, then glued candy hearts with phrases like "friends forever"and"be mine".

在挂饰的最上方还用一个用糖纸做的小中国结做装饰,真是锦上添花。At the top of the pendant with a decorated with wrappers do little Chinese knot, is really the icing on the cake.

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Halloween派对会滋长浪费,留下许多丢弃的糖纸和塑料面具,还会留下许多被抛弃的南瓜。Halloween parties can create a lot of waste, dropped sweet wrappers, discarded plastic masks, and unwanted pumpkins.

给宠物们食用太多的糖会引起腹痛,更糟糕的是,如果宠物们吞食了糖纸,它们的食道或肠子很可能被划破。Too much sugar can give your pet a bellyache, but worse, if wrappers are swallowed, your pet risks tearing of the esophagus or intestines.

一个礼拜后,她惊恐地发现积累了多少张糖纸,这让她少吃糖。At the end of the week, she was horrified by the number of wrappers she’d accumulated, and she was inspired to cut back on her candy consumption.