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他处理事情很麻利。He handles stuff quickly.

他麻利地转过身来,黑斗篷兜着圈圈。He turned quickly, his black cloak circling.

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“呶,真麻利。”哥萨克一等上尉说。"Well, he's a smart fellow, " said the esaul.

他非常麻利地驾驶着他那架小型飞机。He handled the small airplane with great dexterity.

如果你要跟我们一起去,最好麻利一点。If you're going with us, you'd better get on the stick.

夜色阑珊,我麻利地忙活着,当然是悄无声息。The night waned , and I worked hastily, but in silence.

这个三人董事会办事细心、麻利。The three-man board manages its business with care and dispatch.

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使用敏捷的软件开发,Litle的工程师各个工作麻利。Using agile software development, engineers at Litle move quickly.

当听到父亲和继母走近时,他麻利的躲进角落里。When father and stepmother approached, he quickly hid in the corner.

趁茉莉和杰克擦拭手臂的时候,女服务生麻利地摆好桌子。While Molly and Jack wipe hands the waitress expertly tidy up the table.

随即比赛中止,瑞典教练麻利地帮助他换了一个备胎。Competes immediately stops, Sweden coach helped him to trade a spare tire deftly.

哈丽特姑妈不知该用什么言辞来赞扬贝西的勤奋和麻利。Aunt Harriet could not find words to praise Bessies industriousness and efficiency.

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铺红地毯,布置“模拟洞房”,大家手脚麻利,很快就做好了准备工作。Red carpet shop, staged "mock wedding, " we limbs jewels, quickly prepared for work.

她做饭时的那种精准和自信,以及麻利而有条不紊的动作总是让我惊叹不已。I was always impressed by her precision, confidence, economy of motion and orderliness.

形容做事动作麻利爽快,要用下面的哪一个成语?Which of the following idioms is used to describe doing things swiftly and dexterously?

我走到基斯身边,在他身旁跌坐下来,我动作麻利地解开了绑着他的脚踝的绳子。I walked over to Keith and dropped down beside him, I quickly untied the ropes around his ankles.

士兵们笑起来。“去啊,伤疤,”其中一个嘲笑道,“还要麻利点。耶赞的猴子给你发令了。”The soldiers laughed. "Go on Scar" one mocked "and be quick about it. Yezzan's monkey gave you a command. "

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老李依旧麻利的脱了个精光,把自己还有他,这点事老李还是轻车熟路得心应手的。Still hear his deft off his shirt, and his own, or talk of the town hundreds of times before this thing handy.

比利把纸袋麻利地卷上,通过走廊到侧所去处理掉,又漱漱口。Billy neatly closed the bag and went down the aisle to the toilet to dispose of the bag and rinse out his mouth.

不象在澳大利亚,公共汽车司机似乎觉得他们是一级方程式的赛车手。在上下车时,我必须手脚麻利。The bus drivers seem to think that they are formula one racing-car drivers. ? I had to be very quick on my feet.