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然后事情一发不可收拾了。And things got out of hand.

这一发现令我浮想联翩。This discovery intrigued me.

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我一发觉有必要走一遭马上就来了。I came instantly I saw the need.

这一发现可能价值数千美元。Their find could be worth thousands.

这种情况就如滔滔江水,一发不可收拾。It just flows, like a river in flood.

这一发现纯属偶然。The discovery was an amazing accident.

他射出了所有的子弹却没有一发命中。He shot all his bullets, but no one hit.

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点此处观看这一发现的动画。Watch an animation of the discovery here.

适合榨汁吃一发不可收拾了。Suitable for juicing and eating out of hand.

财政部一发言人周二对此不予置评.A Treasury spokesperson on Tuesday had no comment.

那女孩一发脾气就跺脚。That girl stamps her foot when she is in a passion.

瞬间之后,又一发炮弹击中比第一发弹着点高五米处。A split second later another hit five meters higher.

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儿子癫痫一发作,全身就出血点。Epileptic son of an attack on the systemic bleeding.

这一发动机的设计旨在降低保养维修费用。This engine is designed to be maintained at lowcost.

他说,自己和他的团队都对这一发现感到震惊。He said he and his team were shocked by the findings.

相信我,我就是个摩门教徒。早上起来第一件事情就是撸一发。Trust me, I am Mormon. Wanked first thing this morning.

“这一发现是意义重大并且令人没想到的,”马斯兰尼克说。"It's significant and it's surprising, " says Maslanik.

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每次他一发出尖细的叫声,她就跳起来看是怎么一回事。Every time he peeps,she jumps to see what the matter is.

自此喜欢上了网络并一发不可收拾。Liked to go up from this the network sends irremediable.

所以这一发现变成了桥梁建设的新标准。So that became the new standard for bridge construction.