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他的性格跃然显现于他年写的文章中。His personality comes through with in his writing.

纳达尔从头承受拜候,说他年夜腿抽筋了。Nadal returned to announce he felt cramp in his thigh.

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他年少时的心上人就是南希·克拉特,与他同岁。His childhood sweetheart of the same age was Nancy Clutter.

他年少时放过羊,在一所铁皮屋顶的简陋学校读书。He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack.

在他年仅十五岁的时候布里汉扬大学录取了他。When he was only fifteen he was admitted to Brigham Young University.

1968年他年仅39岁的时候不幸遭到暗杀,悲惨地结束了宝贵的生命。His life ended tragically when he was assassinated in 1968 at the age of 39.

他年已四十,瘦骨嶙峋,一张干瘦的脸,刻板而迂腐。He was a man of forty, thin, with a pinched face, precise and rather pedantic.

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他年仅九岁时,便已经在表演空中飞人的特技。By the time he was nine years old, he was already performing as a trapeze artist.

他年届四十,两鬓微白,长着一张坚定、深思的脸。He was a man of forty, a little grey about the temples, and with a strong, thoughtful face.

这要回到我们上次课所讲,他年少时直到1901的那段时期。This goes back in time from the text we were discussing last time in the teens and twenties to 1901.

杨元元时任中国民用航空总局副局长,他年仅51岁,与美国业界领导关系良好。Deputy Director Mr. Yang, though considered young for a top job at 51, enjoyed good relationships with U.

1957年著名的摇摆舞音乐家杰里·李·刘易斯与他年仅13岁的表妹玛拉结婚。In 1957 famous rock and roll musician Jerry Lee Lewis married his cousin Myra, who was only 13 at the time.

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他年仅24岁,对于他的人生他还没有明确的方向,但是他的脑子里却突然充满了冒险的念头。Just 24 years old, he had never had much direction in his life, butsuddenly his head was full of ideas of adventure.

虽然他年夜来没有广为传布,他认为,既不违反同性性质或理由的。Though he was never widely read at the time he propagated the view that sodomy was neither contrary to nature or reason.

布朗先生的竞争对手向人们揭露他年少时的犯罪行为,此手段卑劣险毒。It was hitting below the belt for Mr Brown's rival to tell people about a crime that he committed when he was a young boy.

他年过六十,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像那样的大胡子,这胡子长在一个像半人半兽的森林之神的头颅上,又鬈曲地飘拂在小鬼似的身躯上。He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp.

但是他很冷静,代表德国队打了超过70场比赛,所以他富有经验,而且人们忘记了他年仅26岁。But he is a calming presence, he has over 70 caps with Germany so he has experience and people forget he is only 26 years old.

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在他年逾九十岁的一次演讲中,他就解释说他父亲就曾教授他一些成功方面的经验。At a speaking event when he was already in his nineties, he explained that his father had taught him a few things about success.

明白了他何以能使人心扭曲,年轻的我暗下决心,他年我若自行创业,一定运用完全相反的原则。Able to see the distortion he caused, I youthfully declared that if I every ran a business, it would be on the reverse principle.

在法国皇家墓室中,有颗心脏被认为是路易十六儿子---路易十七的,他年仅十岁就离开了人世。A heart located in a royal French crypt is thought to belong to the king's son, Louis XVII, who died when he was just 10 years old.