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金属物的前身。Precursors to metal chocks.

天文学的前身是占星术。Astronomy inherits from astrology.

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这些军团们构建了我的前身。These legions are among my antecedents.

工厂里的清洁工也算我的前身吗?Sweepers in the mill among my ancestors?

一个修订也可以有多个前身。A revision can have multiple predecessors, too.

油炸面团是甜甜圈的前身。The doughboy was a predecessor of the doughnut.

SK的前身为1953年成立的鲜京织物。SK's predecessor——Sk fabric was founded in 1953.

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这就是暴风影音的前身。The predecessor that this is windstorm image sound.

这个大学的前身是女子师范学校。This university grew out of the Women's Normal school.

据说吉特巴舞的前身是摇滚舞。It's said that the mother of the jitterbug is the jive.

我妈站起身,把衣服的前身理平整。My mother stood and smoothed out the front of her robe.

罗马共和国,亦即罗马帝国的前身,是以城邦制发端的Rome,which began its republican history as a city-states

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前身是中国人民解放军总装备部。Is the predecessor of the PLA General Armament Department.

厦门市特殊教育学校的前身是厦门聋哑学校,创办于1959年。The Xiamen Special Education school was established in1959.

其前身是义乌市彼洋水晶工艺品厂。The forefather is Yiwu city biyang crystal artwork factory.

这个后来成为WMO执行理事会的前身机构由此问世。Thus was born the predecessor of our WMO Executive Council.

这个游戏鼠标的前身从普通需求中脱颖而出。The granddaddy of all gaming mice is back by popular demand.

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通常情况下,每个修订有一个前身,即父修订。Typically, each revision has a single predecessor or parent.

被申请人的前身为MZ学校。Facts and Reasons. The predecessor of Respondent is MZ School.

很可能是罗马的前身,7'年被摩尔人占领。'。Probably of pre-Roman origin, it was captured by the Moors in 7'.