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本来你说棕色我就心满意足了。I would have settled for brown.

仅是声音便让人心满意足。Thee sound alone instills satisfaction.

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越美水族,让您心满意足!Yuemei aquarium make satisfaction to you!

汤姆笑眯眯坐在那儿,一副心满意足的样子。Tom sat there smiling, as happy as a clam.

我能在我的摄影课上得个“A”就已经心满意足了。I'll settle for an "A" in my photography course.

想到她的英俊的情人,她心满意足地叹息了一声。She sighed as she thought of her handsome adorer.

看着笑嘻嘻的你们,我也就心满意足了。You looked at the grinning , I will be satisfied.

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对多数普通人来说,拥有固定电话就心满意足了。Most commoners are satisfied with landlines we have.

这是一种令人心满意足的连续性和照料的仪式。It's a satisfying ritual of continuity and caretaking.

我内疚地接过一支点上,心满意足地抽起来。I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction.

我内疚地接过一枝点上,心满意足地抽起来。I took one guiltily , lit it and smoked with satisfaction.

上面再加个水煮荷包蛋就是一顿令人很心满意足的饭了。They can be topped with poached eggs for a satisfying meal.

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你会发现自己心满意足。I think you're gonna find yourself one smilin' motherfucker.

随着他对我的夸奖感到心满意足,脏衣服堆也越来越小了。But as he basked in my appreciation, the piles became smaller.

观看一幅美丽的图画常使人心满意足。Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction.

他倒下的时候,看着我微笑。心满意足,非常平静。And as he fell, he looked up at me ands-miled content Peaceful.

人间的至尊—皇帝总该心满意足了吧,但是,没有。World of sovereign-the emperor total should content it, but, no.

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不像我在十几岁那时,身边没有男孩也一样心满意足。Not that I'd ever sated that curiosity in my boy-free teen years.

他们根本不朝下看,除非为了体会住在山上的心满意足。They don"t look down at all except to be content to live on hills.

然后把它们举到眼前欣赏一番,心满意足地长舒一口气。Holding them at eye level, she let out a long sigh of satisfaction.