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调频比调幅更适合于传送立体声、电视节目的伴音信号。FM is also better able to transmit sounds in stereo than AM.

木梁的吱吱声成了井水的伴音。Squeak coming from wood beams becomes semitone of well water.

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高歌在前面演动作,蔡雨爽在后面伴音。Singing in front of speech movements, Tsai Yu-Shuang behind Sound.

通过上述两种方式,实现伴音音量的智能均衡控制。Thas, intelligent volume balance is achieved by the above two modes.

如果你仔细听这首曲子,你可以听到笛子的伴音。If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.

作为运动图像伴音信息的通用编码,MPEG-2得到了广泛的应用。As the general coding of moving pictures and audio information, MPEG-2 is used in wide scope.

本文叙述FM—FM制电视双伴音广播设计的一种新方案及其特点。A new design scheme for the FM-FM system TV broadcasting with double sounds is described in this paper.

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MPEG作为运动图象及伴音的通用国际标准,其应用十分广泛。MPEG is applied extensively as a general international standard for moving picture and associative audio.

文中给出了实现其功能的典型电路,以及今后的伴音发展趋势。Some typical examples about ele tric circuit are presented and the indination of the accompanying sound system are predicted.

媒体播放器是IPTV终端机顶盒的关键软件模块,主要完成IPTV的流媒体业务和其他应用业务的图形及伴音展示。The player of IPTV set-top box is an very important software module of IPTV set-top box, and it plays the graphics and the sound.

梦中的你,忽隐忽现,神秘得就像这歌声中伴音,让我沉醉其中,却无法左右。You are, in my dream, flickering, so mysterious just as the accompanying sound, which really gets to me , yet I couldn't control.

声音宏亮,音色优美,能旋宫调转,十二律伴音齐备。The stentorian voice, the timbre is exquisite, can turn on lathe the palace to transfer, 12 law sound accompaniments are prepared.

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电视拦收机为获得高质量的立体声和双伴音,必须设法降低系统动态噪声和内载波蜂音。High quality stereo and dual sound for a TV receiver require improvements in the dynamienoise performance and the intercarrier buzz.

伴音电平检测电路将伴音信号转换成直流电平。The accompanying sound electric-level detection circuit converts the accompanying sound signal to the direct-current electric level.

无线话筒用来传送所有的伴音。话筒吊在长长的吊杆顶端,在摄像镜头之外,跟着演员移动。Radio microphones catch all accompanying sound. They hang at the end of long. booms, out of the camera range, and follow the performers as they move.

分析了彩色副载波和伴音内载波差拍干扰产生的原因、设计应考虑的问题以及测试方法。The reason to produce beat interference of color subcarrier and sound intercarrier is analyzed with the introduction of considerable items for design and testing methods.

没有谁能从那架破钢琴里捣鼓出声音,只有贝思有这个能力,发黄的琴键在她的轻抚之下,为她们演唱的简单歌曲飞出了欢快的伴音。No one but Beth could get much music out of the old piano, but she had a way of softly touching the yellow keys and making a pleasant accompaniment to the simple songs they sang.

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公司的客户不乏国内外知名的企业,如公司曾为国内知名的电视品牌海信、厦华、康佳等生产无线伴音系统。There is no lack of customers at home and abroad well-known enterprises such as the company was well-known TV brand Hisense, Xoceco , Konka and other production wireless sound system.

本文分析了电视机检波电路的原理,从理论上说明了伴音第一中频应吸收的强度,以使图象不受伴音干扰。This article analyses the principle of detecting circuit in TV receiver. and explains theoretically the correct absorption of first sound IF so as to keep the sound from interfering the picture.