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这是一个个性张扬的年代。This is a personalism age.

没有,先不要把这件事张扬出去。No, don't let it out first.

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当旋风把我的大旗张扬。When the whirlwinds my banner unfurl.

种子密封在一个张扬囊肉。Seed enclosed in an obtrusive sac of flesh.

我们的广告更不那么张扬,只在侧边显示。Our ads are more discreet and off to the side.

那政客的丑闻一直未被张扬出去。The politician's scandal hasn't been given publicity.

文安的魂魄被挤出身体外,他要张扬把身体还给他,张扬不理会。Wen An wants his body back, but Zhang Yang ignores him.

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女人五十岁是牡丹,大气张扬。The woman is fifty years old, atmospheric self-publicity.

他有个特别大的那种特张扬的酒窖。He had this big, you know, sort of show-off cellar, you know.

遍及英伦的这些棒极了的野花一点都不张扬。There's nothing stuck-up about the great English wild flower.

确定你张扬着自己匀称的身体和惊人的肌肉。Make sure to flaunt your well-tones body and fabulous muscles.

总之,和那里的气候一样,热辣、奔放、张扬。In short, and where the climate, and hot, untrammeled , publicity.

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虽然梅花被称为中国的国花,但是它并不张扬。Although the plum flower, known as China's, but it is not publicity.

耶稣为何劝告痲疯得医治者不要到处张扬?Why did Jesus advise those healed leprosy patients not to publicize?

我们只要叫克兰闭上嘴,别把这事张扬出去就行了。And we'll just tell Kline to keep his mouth shut as to why we want it.

威尼斯元老院经通宵开会研究最后慎重决定,死者为大,家丑不必张扬,兹当是这件事从头到尾就完全没有发生过。The senate of Venice decided to pretend the whole thing never happened.

施密特一向深思熟虑,常常出语温和,他不太可能像盖茨这么张扬。Thoughtful and often soft-spoken, Schmidt isn't likely to go so operatic.

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文安不只能看到张扬,还可以跟他沟通。Besides being able to see Zhang Yang, Wen An can also communicate with him.

加拿大人自认为安静、谦虚、不张扬。CANADIANS used to think of themselves as being quiet, modest and unassertive.

闷着淘气的人,要比那种张扬着的淘气鬼更可怕吧!The man, the mischievous smouldering than that of rascals make more terrible!