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你是否太挑剔?Are you too picky?

不要那么挑剔。Don't be so picky.

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客户是挑剔的。Customers are finicky.

他是一个爱挑剔的人。He is a faultfinding man.

我们就别太挑剔了。Let us not cavil too much.

每个人都挑剔我!Everybody's trippin' on me !

他就一些细节挑剔了一番。He nit-picked a few details.

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他妻子真是个挑剔的人。His wife is a real nit-picker.

她总是不断地挑剔自己。She is naggingly self-critical.

我知道我听起来很挑剔,其实也不至于。I know I sound a prig . I'm not.

别挑挑剔剔的了,我受够了。Stop knocking. I'm fed up with it.

这会显得你是个挑剔的人。You will appear as a fussy person.

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他总是对我百般挑剔。He is always finding fault with me.

你的老板对你百般挑剔…Marth , Your boss is picking on you.

但或许是我太过挑剔了。Perhaps this is just me being picky.

我对他的工作无可挑剔。I have no fault to find with his work.

他对设计的每一细节都加以挑剔。He chicaned every detail of the design.

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挑剔的妈妈,专为孩子挑“吉福”。Choosy mothers choose Jif for their kids.

我对角色比较挑剔。I'm a little bit more selective with that

一次遇见挑剔的大客户,几稿都通不过。Once the critical customer, meet a draft.