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彼得虚度了一生。Peter is a teacher.

他有着坎坷的一生。He has a bumpy life.

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还是活着度过虚伪的一生?。Or alive to live alie?

他一生过得庸庸碌碌。He lived a futile life.

积累一生的朋友客户,这才是你的优点。This is your advantage.

他虚度了一生。He dreamed through life.

他虚度一生。He dreamt his life away.

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我的安琪儿,你是我一生的守护!My angel you are my life!

终其一生,他都会工作不停。All his life he will work.

白饭吃不成,只好苦一生。Can eat rice, bitter life.

不要虚度一生。Don't loaf your life away.

她一生未嫁。She never married in life.

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勿逞一时之快,误美好一生。Don't just fast, good life.

他虚度了一生。He passed his life in vain.

决择在人的一生当中。Choice of the person's life.

彼得虚度了一生。Peter dreamed his life away.

仿佛那是一生的缩影。As 'twere all life's epitome.

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认识你,我一生无憾!I have no regret knowing you!

玛丽从一生下来就双目失明。Mary's been blind since birth.

我的车子的一生就终结了。And that was the end of my car.