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你去参观那座庙宇了吗?Did you see the Temple?

庙宇用黄纸。Temple with yellow paper.

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一座庙宇耸峙在悬崖之上。A temple perched on a cliff.

我们在庙宇上面升得高高的。High we arose above the Temple.

庙宇匾额都是中文。Temples and plaques are Chinese.

吴先生就是这庙宇里的算命先生。Mr Ng is the temple fortune-teller.

怒浪的庞大的海族--在庙宇的门墙内。And vibrant tail, within the temple-gate.

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金圣烈带着浩振来到了庙宇。Jin Shenglie with HaoZhen came to the temple.

庙宇会坍塌,雕像会朽败,书籍却经久长存。Temples and statues decay, but books survive.

这座桥是通向庙宇的必经之道。The only access to the temple is across the bridge.

奴隶们正在庙宇的柱子上刻凹槽。The slaves were fluting the pillars of the temples.

这座庙宇已恢复成古时金碧辉煌的样子了。This temple has been restored to its ancient glory.

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庄严的游行队伍缓缓地走出庙宇。The grand procession moves slowly out of the temple.

古埃及法老-拉美西斯二世用大块岩石所建的两栋庙宇。Pharaoh Ramses II built two temples here out of rock.

我们要以千古不变的真理来重建这座庙宇。We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths.

无框框架奥地利水晶详细的庙宇。Rimless frame with Austrian crystal detail at temples.

传统上,这些舞会是受到庙宇的资助。Traditionally these dances were patronized by the temples.

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所罗门庙宇的建筑师海勒姆阿比夫也是如此。So too was Hiram Abiff, architect of the Temple of Solomon.

埃及人将庙宇地板涂成绿颜色。Ancient Egyptians colored the floors of their temples green.

庙宇最让人惊叹的地方是一座巍峨的宝塔。The temple's most breathtaking feature is a towering pagoda.