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它将于五年内落成。It will be completed in five years.

新教学楼落成。The new teaching building is completive.

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火星科学实验室将在2010年落成。The Mars Science Laboratory lands in 2010.

这座楼什么时候举行落成典礼?When is the building going to be topped out?

屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed.

王后陛下今天将为新桥落成剪彩。Their Majesties will open the new bridge today.

一所新学校不久将在该村落成。A new school will be opened in the village soon.

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培群在大巴窑校址举行新校舍落成典礼。Official Opening of the new school at Toa Payoh.

每一寸思念飘在空中,落成一朵花。Every inch yearning float in the sky, was a flower.

上海民用飞机大场基地宣告落成。Shanghai builds civil aircraft final assembly base.

明天我要举行一次聚会以庆祝我的新房的落成。I'm going to handsel my house with a party tomorrow.

“你出落成漂亮的大姑娘了。”父亲说。"You've grown into a beautiful girl," my father said.

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落成典礼因此次事故未能举行。Thus the inauguration of the incident could not be held.

又是谁把一腔情深舞落成殇?Again, it is whom that makes the deep affection die away?

屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。Ambulatory Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed.

2001年海宁九冬皮革工业园落成。In 2001 Haining Jiudong Leather Industry Park was completed.

九月间,21间由囚犯建造的新禁闭室落成。In September twenty-one new cells were built by the prisoners.

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屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。The Ambulatory Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed.

建筑物落成典礼仪式的起源可以追溯到异教徒时代。The origins of the topping out ceremony go back to pagan times.

建筑新修院的工程是在1989年开始,1992年五月落成的。The inauguration of the new building has taken place in May 1992.