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动物的雄配子。In animals, a male gamete①.

“配子”指精子或卵子。"Gamete" means either a sperm or an egg.

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生殖聚集形成配子。Gonads are aggregations of developing gametes.

常发生在配子间或原生质间。It usually occurs between gametes or protoplasm.

雄配子不能与雌配子结合。The male gamete could not unite with the female.

在这些种类中,配子是由有丝分裂形成的。In these groups, gametes are produced by mitosis.

这种外形相似的配子称为同形配子。Such similar-appearing gametes are called isogametes.

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动物的雌配子,既未受精的卵细胞。In animals, a female gamete, an unfertilized① egg-cell.

双受精过程属有丝分裂前配子融合类型。Double fertilization is the type of the Premitotic syngamy.

雌配子体为八核七细胞蓼形胚囊。Female gametophyte was polygonal embryo sac with 8 nucleis.

双受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型。The double fertilization is the type of Premitotic syngamy.

其中,不减数配子是多倍体形成的主要机制。And union of unreduced gametes is the most important mechanism.

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玉米双受精属于有丝分裂前配子融合的类型。The double fertilization is the type of the premitotic syngamy.

所筛选的单适配子对肝细胞几乎无毒性。The selected aptamers have very low or no toxicity for hepatic cells.

在最常见的配子体系统中,不亲和的花粉管在花柱中破裂。In the commonest system, incompatible pollen tubes burst in the style.

适配子是一种能够特异性与靶物质结合的小分子DNA或RNA。Aptamer is a single and short nucleic acid sequence, either DNA or RNA.

松柏类植物以及被子植物的雄配子体即花粉粒。The male gametophytes of conifers and angiosperms are the POLLEN grains.

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这是一个人男性配子的综合和决定性的账户。This is a comprehensive and definitive account of the human male gamete.

温度是影响配子体成熟的主要因子。Thmperature is the main factor which affects the maturity of gametophyte.

另外,除大多数原始生命体以外,雌配子是不移动的。In all except the most primitive organisms, the female gamete is nonmotile.