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奔驰牌的床已经脱销了。The Benz beds are out of stock.

奔驰牌的车已经脱销了。The Benz cars are out of stock.

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如何订购脱销书?How to order out-of-stock books?

对不起,烤面包器已脱销了。I'm sorry, toasters are out of stock.

海狸先生木偶配套用品在人群中脱销一空。Mr. Beaver's Woodchopper kits selling out in droves.

海狸先生,伐木者,正持续大批脱销。Mr. Beaver, Woodchopper, keeps selling out in droves.

其原因是,此货品在我处已经脱销。The reason is that the product you need has been out of stock.

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由于品质卓越,这款商品经常在一些地区脱销。By virtue of its super quality ,this product is often sold out in many areas.

许多商店已经脱销了,这增加了父母的紧迫感。Many stores have run out of Zhu Zhus, increasing the urgency that parents feel.

在销的豪华中型轿车S5有着优越性能,自当是脱销之作。The luxury midsize coupe and the high-performance S5 model are selling faster than Audi can make them.

“每个国家的纪念品都卖的很好,都快要脱销了”,杰克逊说,“芬兰和美国用品已经三次断货。Actually all the countries are going really well, we're running out, Finland, USA I've sold out 3 times.

与此同时,二手货店和网店的复古风服饰也已脱销,做工越精致的服装销路越好。Meanwhile, thrift stores and websites are out of stock of vintage designs, the more elaborate the better.

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10根一包的发圈价格仅为25分或3分,并且在当地市场上依然卖到脱销。Still the bags of 10 hair ties that go for approximately 25 fen or 3 cents are selling out at regional markets.

食品供应已经出现短缺。在仍然开放的少数几个市场,米团和瓶装水已经脱销。Food supplies are running short. And in the few markets remaining open, rice balls and bottle water are out of stock.

近日,京沪航班机票几乎脱销,只有部分航班有少量头等舱剩余。Plane tickets from Beijing to Shanghai are almost sold out, with only a small quantity of first-class seats available.

我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而脱销于你方市场。We all know that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market since they have superior quality and competitive prices.

从追踪清单航运,我们就不必每周脱销产品具有几乎没有缺货。In terms of tracking inventory for shipping, we went from having weekly out-of-stock products to having almost no out-of- stocks.

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如果某件商品已脱销,公司的策略是发送可以提供的商品,然后在进货后再发送其余商品。If an item is out of stock, the company policy is to ship what is available, and then ship the rest whenever the stock is replenished.

在英国,我们有“凯特效应”,她一穿什么衣服,或者是近似的高街款,那种款的衣服马上就会脱销。In this country, we have the 'Kate effect', what happens when a dress she has worn, or a similar High Street version, flies off the shelves.

他爱听售货员说他想像出来的那种东西暂时脱销,于是他就煞有介事地许诺改天再来光顾。He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date.