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还有莲须就是莲蓬里面的须啊。Lin is also required to be inside lotus ah.

我越吃越想吃,可惜,老师家里只有一只莲蓬。I want to eat Unfortunately, only one teacher lotus home.

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睡莲花贴近或浮于水面,不具莲蓬而结浆果。Furthermore, waterlily blooms float on water surface and bear no woody pod but round berries.

八仙之一手持荷花,“心胸宽广的花”或是一个莲蓬枝。One of the eight immortals holds a lotus, the "flower of open- heartedness " or a lotus-pod wand.

上面多肉的杯状莲蓬在成熟后变干,然后从母体脱离。The upper cupule or fleshy capsule of the lotus dries out at maturity and separates from the plant.

沉重浑厚的背景更反衬出轻灵纯净的莲蓬和极具生命力的乡村儿童。The weighty background gives a clear image about those children and lotus pod, they are pure and active.

我就想明天要叫爸爸带我去荷花池边玩,并且要采一筐莲蓬回家慢慢品尝、享受。I would like to call tomorrow to take me to my father playing a lotus pool, and to take home slowly lotus taste and enjoy.

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外圈的鱼、莲蓬、童子和白鹭等形象则画出了明暗变化。There is a contrast between light and shade in the fish in the outer ring, lotus seed pods, children and white herons etc.

尔旦知道哪里有新鲜莲子,不久已拿着两束新鲜采摘的莲蓬回来,还珠感到尔旦依然有一股像新婚时的傻劲。Chu know where the fresh lotus seeds, with two fresh shortly before picking lotus back, also feel Chu still has a bit like wedding shares.

同时,有些设计的灵感来自西湖以及荷花和莲蓬等中国传统文化象征。The designs, meanwhile, were inspired by iconic scenes of West Lake and classic Chinese cultural motifs such as lotus flowers and seedpods.

“密集恐惧症”就是指对有密集小孔的物体感到恶心和恐惧,类似物体有蜂窝、蚁窝,尤其是莲蓬。Trypophobia is a revulsion and fear of objects with clusters of small holes – think beehives, ant holes, and in particular lotus seed heads.

太夫人笑着摸了摸歆姐儿的脸,抬头看了看天,道,“你还要不要采莲蓬?Too the madam smiled to touch the face of touching the Xin girls, the title tooks a look a sky, way, " do you still want to adopt lotus Peng?"