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工兵绕训练场列队行进。The army engineers paraded round drill squares.

地图上自带的坦克残骸将不能被轴心国工兵回收。Tank wrecks found on maps are no longer salvageable.

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第38装甲师的一名克隆人战斗工兵。A clone combat engineer of the 38th Armored Division.

他们要求坑道工兵修桥或拆雷。They requested sappers to mend bridges or remove mines.

GSA和美国陆军工兵部队也曾经为此而奋斗过。The GSA and the Army Corps of Engineers have struggled with that.

控制绿色贝雷帽,间谍,狙击手和工兵。Take control of the Green Beret, the spy, the sniper and the sapper.

来自核污染的威胁让这些戈梅里的辐射工兵们一直保持着警觉。The threat of contamination keeps the Homyel rad-rangers on their toes.

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克洛夫特和工兵爆破排的一个士官走了出来。Croft and a sergeant from the pioneer and demolition platoon stepped up.

给北约玩家的劝告是使用地形与工兵单位去挖地洞。The NATO player is advised to utilize the terrain and engineer units to dig in.

载具乘员装备中的扳手比工兵的要弱一些。Carried by Crewmen, the Crewman Wrench is a much weaker version of the Engineer Wrench.

日军第十六师团的工兵在搬开封闭中山门的土袋。Engineer Corps of Japanese Army 16th Division removes blockage of sandbags at Zhongshan Gate.

此外,日本的陆上自卫队工兵部队可能随后前往南苏丹。In addition, Japan's Ground Self-Defense Corps of Engineers could then went to southern Sudan.

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当迷你步哨枪被放置了电子工兵时,没有在左上角的列表中出现警告提示。以及工程师也可能不会说出相应的人物台词。A sapped Mini-sentry will not show an alert on HUD and the Engineer may not say a fitting line.

工兵们又成了制砖工人。砖头烧成以后,就搬到“花岗石宫”下边来了。The miners became brickmakers again, then the bricks were brought to the foot of Granite House.

坏蛋能够同时攻击好几个工兵但是收割者可以造成更多的直接伤害。Hellions will be able to hit several workers at the same time, but Reapers have much more direct damage.

有翅的吉奥诺西斯战斗工兵迅速进入成年期,在六岁时就进入战备状态。The winged Geonosian soldier drones grow to adulthood rapidly, and are ready for combat at the age of six.

这些内线工兵们每一次造成对手撞人犯规或者是背后吃一肘子,那就意味著约什-史密斯少一次被人撞或是少吃一记肘子。Each time one of these cats takes a charge or an elbow to the back, that's one less charge or elbow for Smith.

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美国陆军工兵部队已经在采取措施,对新奥尔良周围的河流分流。Officials of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have taken steps to protect the city by diverting water around it.

当摩西来到红海时,他让他的工兵建造了一座浮桥,所有的人都安全地通过。When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge, and all the people walked across safely.

格林回忆,工兵们的路穿越喜马拉雅山脉,印象中雨下个不停,道路泥泞不堪。Green recalls the way engineers are crossing the Himalayas, the next stop impression of moderate rain and the mud.