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请先做一次血球计数。Take your blood count first, please.

并使用血球计数盘来对细胞进行计数。Cell numbers were counted using the hemocytometer.

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在毛细血管里欢歌的血球恨你。Each corpuscle singing in its capillary hates you.

一些你的红色血球正在脱离这一个典型。Some of your red blood cells are deviating from this pattern.

血球计数板上做液体质控应做两份。Liquid controls performed in a hemocytometer should be run in duplicate.

未煮过的豆类中含有血球凝集素,对鸟儿是非常有害的。Uncooked beans contain hemaglutin, a poison that is very toxic to birds.

确定了用标准曲线法测定血球细胞破壁率的方法。The standard curve method was determined to assay the broken-red-cell rate.

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公司另一类产品主要是血球计数板和精子计数板。The major products of other companies blood counts and sperm count plate plate.

例如血球细胞中的血红素,其独特的红色便是由血色素所造成。The heme of the hemoglobin in blood cells gives them their characteristic red hue.

而血球和血浆中的钙磷比在组与组之间并没出现不同。Hematocrit and serum levels of calcium and phosphorus did not differ between groups.

诺丽果含有抗氧化剂所以具有抵抗老化的功效同时又能够维持血球细胞的健康。Noni contains anti-oxidants for anti-aging benefit as well as healthy cell protection.

还有那厚厚的云,像血球一样活跃着城市的气氛。Additionally, the thick ball-shape of clouds like the blood corpuscles activated the city.

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在细胞杂交过程中计算和报道血球凝集的滴定度是浪费时间。It is misspent time to calculate and report hemagglutinating titers for cell hybrid studies.

因使用治疗剂量的秋水仙素所造成的全血球低下症实属罕见。Severe pancytopenia induced by therapeutic oral colchicines has been reported though rarely.

也注意在齿槽的墙壁的毛细管对许多红色的血球感到拥挤。Note also that the capillaries in the alveolar walls are congested with many red blood cells.

速率过于渐渐,眼部皮肤黑血球细胞供氧没有敷,静脉血管中两氧化碳及代开宝物。Speed is too slow, the skin red blood cells lack of oxygen, carbon dioxide and metabolic waste in veins.

评价库尔特STKS全自动血球分析仪测定血小板的性能。Evaluates the performance for COULTER STKS fully automatic haemacytometer analyzer to assay blood platelet.

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系统地研究了冰醋酸法提取猪血球中的血红素。It was studied in a systematic way that heme was extracted from porcine blood corpuscle by glacial acetic acid.

原发性骨髓疾病,往往是多个造血细胞系生成量降低,导致全血球贫血。In primary marrow disorders, more than one hematopoietic cell line is often decreased, resulting in pancytopenia.

结论鼠疫F1抗原和抗体冷冻血球细胞能分别保存2年和4年。Conclusion The plague F1 antigen, antibody frozen blood cells can be conserved for 4 years and 2 years, respectively.