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祝你未来事业顺遂。Wishing you many future sesses.

祝你未来事业顺遂。Wishing you many future succe es.

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约翰顺遂地经过了驾驶检验。John walked through his driving test.

愿你的生日百事顺遂。祝你生日快乐!May your Birthday Be happy in more ways than one. Happy Birthday!

咱们是同事,如果我们共同合作,事情会做得更加顺遂。We're colleagues and things will go smoother if we work together.

莪诚实地渴望将来能过着康健而顺遂的一生。I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future.

但愿旁边能化繁为简,尽快与你们货代联络,确保货色准时顺遂送达口岸。We hope that you could do it simply and contact with your carrier soon.

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当事情不顺遂时你还能笑的话,表示在你的内心有一个受你谴责的人。If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

若是事事乍看顺遂,那显然是由某个处所没有注重到。If everything seems to be go wrong, you have obviously overlooked something.

希望新的一年给你和你的家人带来永远的欢乐、祥和及顺遂。I hope the New Year will bring you and your family every joy, peace and continued success.

那好,没关系。下次吧。祝你考试顺遂。我们会想着你的!Oh, don't worry into it. Maybe next time. Good luck on your exam. We'll be thinking of you!

这是个事上有点儿不太顺遂的月份,可能有些麻烦的事要发生。This is slightly a difficult month on the job front. Some untoward incident is likely to happen.

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若是你的告退筹备时刻充沛的话,你的去职也会很轻松,交接工作也会很顺遂。If you take some time to get ready, before you quit your job, you will be set for a smooth transition.

人的幸福和顺遂仅仅是从愿望到满足,从满足又到愿望的迅速过渡。People's happiness and continued success is only wish to meet, meet again to the rapid transition of desire.

在数码时代到来之前的日子里,你在拍摄照片时必须依赖当时的感觉来保证诸事的顺遂。Before the days of digital, you had to rely on the feeling you had when you took a picture that it would be all right.

凭着惊人地奔驰速度,阿甘进啦橄榄球队,今后又进啦年夜学并最终顺遂结业。With amazing speed run, Forrest Gump into the football team, and later entered the university and eventually graduate.

不必总是冒充强大,不必总是冒充诸事顺遂。You don’t always have to pretend to be strong, and there is no need to constantly prove that everything is going well.

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你的勤奋加之你的牛人为你展示了广漠的前程,祝你在大学期间一切顺遂。Your diligence combined with your innate talent indicate a dynamic future. I wish you all the best in your college years.

他早已发现,真撒谎的人一般说来,比不撒谎的人更为机智,更有抱负,更加顺遂。He had observed that people who DID lie were, on the whole, more resourceful and ambitious and successful than people who DID not lie.

生活从不简单容易,即使你活在愉悦顺遂的境遇中,你也会遇到你要克服的困难。Life has never been simple and easy even if you live in pleasure and amenity you may still run into difficulties you need to overcome.