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黑胡椒是研磨的胡椒子。Black pepper is ground peppercorns.

你用嘴巴研磨咖啡豆。You grind coffee beans in your mouth.

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研磨、砂轮,切割片。Grinding, grinding wheel, cutting disc.

毛毡碎片的研磨作用真的是太好了。The abrasiveness of the felt works great!

有三种类型的咖啡研磨机。There are three types of coffee grinders.

绝不可使用虎钳夹住手持式研磨机。Never clamp a hand-held grinder in a vise.

刀刃是斯堪的纳维亚或Scandi研磨。The blade is a Scandinavian or Scandi grind.

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研磨介质磨耗小,运行成本低。With less abrasion of milling media and cost.

也可以用研磨或直接打孔的方法进行粉碎。It can also be smashed, ground up, or drilled.

研磨红铜叉,镀银上镀铑,120线孔,螺丝锁紧。One 120 cable terminating hole with set screw.

研磨机夹持必须安装牢固。Sturdily mount the clamping device of machine.

研磨泥只适用于专业类产品吗?Clay bars should only be used by professionals.

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普通研磨压力随机波动,变化无规律性。The pressure of common gritting waves randomly.

赫雷什一个与我的研磨成立立场的照片。Heres a pic of the stand with my grinding set up.

研磨果仁、咖啡豆等的机器。A machine that pulverizes nuts, coffee beans, etc.

我有几个歪曲和使用两种不同的研磨。I have several skews and use two different grinds.

适应软到中等非研磨性地层。Suitable for soft to medium non-abrasive formation.

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妇女曾经在手工研磨谷物上花上大半天的时间。Women once spent long hours grinding grain by hand.

用于清洗炊事用具的小型的研磨的布。A small abrasive pad used for scouring pots and pans.

你了解用金刚石研磨的微棱镜的用途吗?。Do you know the usage of a diamond milled microprism?