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摩登家庭非常搞笑。Modern Family is hilarious.

他也送来了一辆摩登的汽车。And he also sent a modern car.

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看看这个节目‘摩登家庭’。Look at the show Modern Family.

事实上,我们生活在一个摩登时代。Actually, we live in a modern period.

摩登原始人。石器时代大乱斗。The. Flintstones. and. WWE. Stone. Age.

宝贝,摩登始,做“床岩”喔。Flintstone, but I can make your Bedrock.

这栋房子的构架很摩登。The framework of the house is quite modern.

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“城市之光”和“摩登时代”就是这种影片。City Lights and Modern Times were of this kind.

多拉达号是最早出现的摩登帆船。Dorade is considered the very first modern yacht.

画这些摩登的马花消了我三年时间。Drawing the beautiful horses took me three years.

这是恶俗与摩登令人捧腹的组合。It's a hilarious mix of kitsch and modern wonder.

绳带厂搭配黑色长靴,做一个暖暖的80S风格摩登女郎。With black boots, to be a modern girl style warm 80S.

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来自雅达敏敏演绎了摩登时代,生活,语言。Yada sherry interpret the modern era , life and language.

ESCADA代表着摩登优雅、迷人和感性。ESCADA stands for modern elegance, glamour, and sensuality.

北京摩登天空音乐节上的北京青年一代。Beijing new generation on Beijing modern sky music festival.

我们的城市是一个摩登城市。它建于1980年代早期。Our city is a modern city. It was set up in the early 1980s.

选择得当的话,牛仔裤可以传达穿着者自信摩登的特质。Chosen well, jeans can suggest the wearer is confident and modern.

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心灵花园艾尚格真爱摩登时代幸运树五款任选其一!The garden of love, love of modern times Lucky Tree five choose one!

来自世界各地的摩登概念车及帅气的汽车设计理念。Modern concept cars and beautiful car designs from all over the world.

我们住在一个摩登时代,但是我们被一种古老的思想控制着。We are living in a modern context, but we are operating with an old brain.