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她再望望地上。She glanced on the ground.

他仔细望望太阳。He looked at the sun carefully.

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贝迪丽亚向窗外望望。Bedelia looked out of the window.

请你站在这儿给我望望风好不好?Will you be so good as to stand guard?

他又望望自己附近的目标。He then looked at the objects near him.

请你站在这儿给我望望风好不好?Will you be so good as to stand guard ?

我到您窗子下面的近处来望望。I come to gaze upon your windows near at hand.

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我隔着铁丝网望望奥军的阵地。I looked across the wire at the Austrian lines.

他抬头望望天空,然后望望船外的鱼。He looked up at the sky and then out to his fish.

抬头望望天空可以缓解你的疲劳。Looking up at the sky can make you feel less tired.

我便打开车门,左右望望,果然见到两枚一分硬币。I opened the door, looked around, and spotted two pennies.

安德烈公爵疑惑地望望交谈的人,什么话也没有回答。Prince Andrey looked inquiringly at him and made no reply.

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她一会儿望望吉英,一会儿笑笑,一会儿摇摇头。She looked at Jane, and smiled and shook her head by turns.

常常有人伸出头来,望望后面的队伍。There was much jerking of heads, and looking down the line.

我望望白宫的廊柱,望望草地,望望自己的鞋子。I looked at the Colonnade . I looked at the grass, my shoes.

吉姆四下望望这房间,好像在找什么东西。Jim looked about the room as if he were looking for something.

那个小布什曼向四周望望,以弄清楚那儿确实没有人。The little Bushman looked round to make sure that nobody was there.

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老人时常对鱼望望,好确定真有这么回事。The old man looked at the fish constantly to make sure it was true.

抬头望望天,呵,那个年代那个时刻,伯牙和我看的是同一个月亮。Looked up days, Oh, that era that moment, Bo Ya and I see the same moon.

他四面望望,乔显然是在他迷糊过去时悄悄溜走的。He glanced about the room. Joe had evidently stolen away after he had dozed off.