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我想再去踏勘一次。I would have liked to see the site again.

上世纪60年代初曾做过踏勘,含硫量较高。In the early 1960s, it has been surveyed with a higher sulfur content.

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为确定恰当的普查方法,人们建议踏勘性普查。Orientation survey to establish the most suitable search techniques are recommended.

我们在现场踏勘的时候,我问业主,难道我们不会走直线么?Prospecting on the site, I asked the client why we were not walking in a straight line.

任务书、现场踏勘及具体的日程安排等事宜,将另行通知或发布。Detailed informations concerning with the Brief, site visit and schedule will be issued later.

空中测取水面热图是踏勘性研究的一种快速方法。Thermal mapping of the water surface from the air is a fast method for reconnaissance studies.

招标人不得单独或者分别组织任何一个投标人进行现场踏勘。The bid inviting party may not arrange for individual or separate onsite surveys for any one bidder.

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经组织专家现场踏勘和推测,拍摄地点应当在现在的湖南大学图书馆至体育馆一带。Surveyed by experts, the place shown on the picture is now a Library and a stadium of Hunan University.

招标人不得单独或者分别组织任何一个投标人进行现场踏勘。The tenderee may not organize only one tenderer or separately organized the tenderers to make on-spot surveys.

常规的地质灾害调查往往是进行实地踏勘,地面实测,需耗用大量的人力物力。The traditional geological disaster survey relies on field reconnaissance with a lot of manpower and material resources.

正式获邀的参赛单位于2012年2月7日参加技术文件发布会、现场踏勘。The officially invited competitors should attend the Technical Documents briefing meeting and pay site visit on Feb. 7, 2012.

根据研究区域GIS数据信息及实地踏勘信息,借鉴国内外相关研究的模型模拟参数,在对研究区域进行概化的基础上,建立研究区域的非点源污染负荷模型。On the base of data from GIS and survey of study area on the spot, non-point source pollution load model of study area was constructed.

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在现场踏勘的基础上,分析了地表GPS和地表裂缝计监测资料,初步研究了金川二矿区的地表变形规律和地表裂缝的产生原因。Based on reconnaissance trip, the monitoring data of GPS and ground fissures in mining area No. 2 of Jinchuan Nickel mine are discussed.

假日里我们白天踏勘农村,晚上几乎天天都去夜总会――我们实在劳累过度。On holiday we explored the countryside during the day and went to nightclubs for most the might-we really burned the candle at both ends.

区域踏勘是定线测量的第一步。定线人员利用现有地形图,有时利用飞机对该区域进行探测。Reconnaissance of the area as the first step, the locator, using available topographic maps and sometimes an airplane, explores the area.

现场踏勘发现,破坏遗址原址保护主要环境地质病害是水的问题。The authors had investigation on the spot and found that the main environ-geology disease that damages the tomb preservation is caused by water.

为总结经验,通过实地踏勘,结合以往的研究,从水流泥沙条件及设计方面就该事故发生原因进行了分析。This paper, based on established laws of flood erosion, studied the causes of the snap in aspects of the pipeline design and sediment flow conditions.

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2011年1月14日召开发标会,发放招标文件和相关资料,并组织初步现场踏勘。On January 14, 2011, hold the tender invitation meeting, distribute the tender invitation document and relevant materials, organize the initial site survey.

并通过现场踏勘、问卷、访谈等多种调查方法,结合现状与未来发展趋势,重点分析了扬仁东社区对自身及周边城区发展所造成的正面与负面影响。According to the data from site survey, questionnaires and interviews, this research analyzes its positive and negative effects on the community and its surrounding area.

根据筲箕背滩的多年实测资料、现场踏勘资料,结合历年整治方案,分析筲箕背滩卵石沙波形态以及碍航特征。The pebble ripples and riverbed development of Shaojibei rapids were analyzed based on the measured data, the explorative data, and the regulation projects of past years.