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赣江滩涂,自然环境无可比拟,用水、用电便利。There is beautiful scenery and environment and rich water and electricity resource.

荆芭用于滩涂改造、建筑工地、矿山改造等。Busi Jing for the beach, transformation, construction sites, mines and transformation.

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红树林是一种生长在被海水周期性淹没的滩涂上的特殊森林类型。Mangrove is a kind of special forest in tideland what is immerged by sea water seasonally.

滩涂、荒地全部都可以通过回填进行造地,用于承接项目建设。The intertidal zone and the developable land can be backfilled for the project construction.

鸻鹬在围堤内滩涂的分布与底栖生物量无关。The distribution of waders is irrelevant to benthal biomass in the wetlands insides cofferdam.

黄海滩涂是苏东地区海洋生态旅游业可持续发展的重要资源。Yellow Sea Tidal Mudflat is an important natural resource to regional sustainable development.

在2000?2006年间水体变化速率加快,表现为河流片段化及渠道化,坑塘、滩涂萎缩破碎。During 2000 and 2006, rivers became segment and channelization, pond and wetland were shrinking.

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江苏淤泥质海岸滩涂生态系统结构分为天然潮滩和人工垦区。The structure of ecosystem could be summarized as natural mudflat and artificially reclaimed area.

由于长江每年携带大量泥沙,在潮汐动水力作用下,使海岸不断向外伸涨成滩涂。Under the effect of tide, the silt brought by Yangtze River continuously formed the tidal flat outwards.

珠江口外海滨滩涂辽阔,水下滩地向岸外缓慢坡降。Extraoral vast shoals of the Pearl River waterfront, the underwater beach off the coast to slow gradient.

沿海滩涂有丰富的土地资源,尤其是河口和淤泥质海岸的潮滩。Coastal intertidal zone is rich of land resources, particularly in coastal estuaries and muddy tidal flats.

滩涂围垦是沿海地区耕地占补平衡的重要手段。Inning of tidal flats is an important approach to keep the amount of field acreage on an appropriate level.

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人类开发活动如水产养殖、盐业生产等对滩涂生态系统产生严重影响。The mankind activity , such as aquaculture , salt industry , exerts an influence on the mud flat ecosystem.

农民们试图夺回鱼滩涂养殖场冲洗的相当数量的起义浪潮。Farmers were trying to recapture a sizeable quantity of fish flushed from mudflat aquafarms by uprising waves.

大丰是世界上第一个野生麋鹿保护区,走进这片广袤无垠的滩涂湿地,到处充满了原始、古朴的气息。Dafeng boasts the world's first wild elks protected area. The vast wetlands here exude a primitive environment.

通过平板菌落计数,测得滩涂土壤不同土层中不同微生物活菌数量及其生长的最适盐浓度。All kinds of halophilic microorganisms can grow well in beef extract peptone medium of different density of salt.

滩涂开发中潮间带利用率低于潮上带,土地资源潜力大。It is higher availability in supra tidal zone than in intertidal zone, and the potential of land resource is high.

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秋茄红树林适应七都岛滩涂的生长环境,可以加大引种营造力度。Candel can well adapt environment of seabeach in Qidu Island, its introduction and afforestation could be enhanced.

这里是人文荟萃之地,这里是名士辈出之乡,这里有滩涂湿地号称“水绿盐城”。This is a place of talented people. It has been home to many famed persons. The vast wetlands make it a green city.

深度解析国内及欧洲海上风电场经验,包括滩涂、近海、深海风电场。Intensive exploration of European and China's offshore wind experiences for deep-sea, shallow water and inter tidal.