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我做俯卧撑,I'll do some push-ups

做三组每组五个俯卧撑。Do 3 sets of 5 pushups.

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大量的手指俯卧撑。A lot of finger press-ups.

呼啦圈,仰卧起坐,俯卧撑。Hula Hoop, sit-ups, push-ups.

做俯卧撑时,我让孩子骑在背上。I do pushups with them on my back.

俯卧撑一天做多少个合适?How many does push-up make rightly one day?

练习多种类型的俯卧撑获得的收益最大。For maximum benefits, do a variety of push-ups.

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比如说,不要只做各种各样的俯卧撑。Don’t do all variations of pushups, for example.

俯卧撑可以帮助你的测试肌肉强度。Push-ups can help you measure muscular strength.

试试俯卧撑,仰卧起坐和下蹲起立。Try push-ups, abdominal crunches and leg squats.

出去散散步,或者做几个俯卧撑。Go outside and take a walk. Maybe do some push-ups.

组俯卧撑,自由倒地,旋腿与分切。Group A-push ups, free falls, leg circles and cuts.

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我能每天坚持做俯卧撑一次,每次一口气100个。I can keep doing push-up for one hundred times everyday.

提出挑战,如跑步比赛或俯卧撑。Do challenges, like races or pushup or pullup challenges.

如果你刚开始一个健身计划,可以进行碰膝盖的改良式俯卧撑,如果已经适应,进行传统模式的俯卧撑。If you're already fit, do classic push-ups. For both types

试试俯卧撑、引体向上、仰卧起坐和蹲起吧。Try push-ups, pull-ups, abdominal crunches and leg squats.

例如,一个人说“我早上做了30个俯卧撑”。For example, if someone says "I did 30 push-ups this morning."

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以俯卧撑姿势开始,使小腿胫骨位于平衡球上。Start in pushup position, but with your shins on a Swiss ball.

如果你感觉到还可以的话,多做一些仰卧起坐和俯卧撑。If you are feeling up to it, add in a few sit-ups and push-ups.

可以考虑做做俯卧撑和腹部前屈运动,也要记得做伸展运动。Consider doing push ups and abdominals, and remember to stretch.