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我看到他的头浸没于水中了。I saw his head immerge into water.

一只浸没在泄漏的石油中的死亡的海鸟。A bird covered in oil flails in the water.

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庄稼被滂沱大雨浸没了。The crops were drowned by the heavy rainfall.

这是浸没式加热器所要承担的任务。And that's where the immersion heaters come in.

太长期不要浸没ourself在这处罚。Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long.

世界早已浸没在一片沉寂之中。Long time ago, the world immerged itself with silence.

其他的东西都完全浸没到语言里。Other things are complete submersion into the language.

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得到自由和浸没冲击射流恢复系数的径向分布。Radial distribution of the recovery factor was determined.

数字在我四周哗哗落下,我浸没在无限之中。The digits crashed all about me. I was submerged in infinity.

我的心浸没在酒中,但你将永存于我心中。My heart is drenched in wine, but you'll be on my mind forever.

被浸没在海水中以后,浮游生物会被困在网筛之间。When it's dipped into the sea, plankton are trapped between them.

浸没了孤零的花,浸没了几多愁。The immerse alone flower, the immerse more than several had worried.

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为何还要把那太阳色的美丽肌肤浸没在美白霜里?Why are they drowning their sun kissed beauty in skin whitening cream?

利用固体浸没透镜的近场光学存储研究。Investigation on near-field optical data storage using solid immersion lens.

岩手县的陆前高田镇几乎被全部浸没。The town of Rikuzentakada, Iwate prefecture, was almost completely submerged.

水一直涨到浸没高山十五腕尺之深。The waters increased and the mountains were covered to a depth of fifteen cubits.

中空纤维膜组件浸没于有效体积为27L的生物反应器中。A hollow fiber membrane module was immersed in bioreactor having 27L of working volume.

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最后,阿尔萨斯把克尔苏加德的尸骨浸没在太阳之井的圣水中。Ultimately, Arthas submerged Kel'Thuzad's remains within the holy waters of the Sunwell.

除了浸没在乙醇中的标本外,克里普斯海洋研究所的标本架上还摆着其他类型的标本,其数量甚至更多,如上图中的鲨鱼遗骸。More than alcohol-soaked creatures line Scripps’ shelves, such as the shark remains above.

将倍增器放入烧杯中并倒入正庚烷直至浸没倍增器。Place the multiplier in the beaker and fill with Heptane until multiplier is fully immersed.