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花折了,沙迷离了眼睛。Flowers, sand blurred eyes.

多少的伤痛、多少的迷离。How much pain, how much blurred.

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你与我同在么?在这样一个迷离的世界?Are you with me? In this blurred world?

例如,如何杀死行踪迷离的鹿?For example, how to kill that elusive deer?

你使我的大脑迷离坠入思维谷底。You boggle my mind and you make me go blind.

你许我三世烟火,如今只剩一世迷离。You make me three fireworks, now only a blurred.

飞絮的迷离与我彻底告别。Fly Xu of confusing thoroughly take leave with me.

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绿草萋萋,白雾迷离,有位佳人靠水而居。A green gown, the fog blurred, a beauty on the water.

你迷离的眼睛紧扣爱人的心弦。Your wandering eyes pull at your lover’s heartstrings.

请你不要用那样迷离的眼神可怜巴巴的看着我。Please do not use as blurred eyes of looked at me piteously.

过去的,现在的,真的假的,朴素迷离的,只是想起。The past, present, true or false, simple blurred, just think of.

雨雾迷离的几周后,今天是令人舒服晴和的好天。我一直在办公室呢。Today is the first really nice day after weeks of rain and fogg.

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其雨诗笼罩着阴郁的基调和迷离的朦胧美。All kinds of the poems were full of gloomy keynote and dim beauty.

你的泪消不去我的体味,我在你的发间迷离。Consumers do not you tear my body, my hair in between your blurred.

他们完全迷失迷离在一个奇怪而令人困惑的世界,因为分类和命名生命就等于有一种周边世界的感知。They are utterly lost, anchorless in a strange and confusing world.

从投掷的迷离我听见一不祥吹口哨冷颤我的灵魂。From the darting blurs I hear an ominous whistling that chills my soul.

警方说他的目光迷离,说话声音嘶哑,走路摇摆不定。Police said his eyes were glassy, his speech thick and his walk unsure.

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晨曦的光芒使得他那巨大的卧室像草地般迷离。The light of dawn made his huge bedroom as misty as a foggy meadowland.

终是谁使弦断,花落肩头,恍惚迷离。In 4, who are making the string broken flower, shoulder, trance blurred.

远处的海面风正无帆,依然平静且迷离。There are no sails above the distant sea, still remains calm and misted.