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你在天主面前要自谦,等候他的援手。Humble thyself to God, and wait for his hands.

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有些人觉得哀告援手很贫窭。Some people find it difficult to other people.

跟奥汀克谈一谈并对他们的困境伸出援手。Speak with Ogtinc to lend aid to their plight.

我给了他我的电话号码,并答应伸出援手。I gave him my phone number and promised to help.

文森偌大的肿瘤促使连加恩伸出援手。The size of Vincent's tumor inspired Luc to help.

会有朋友适时伸出援手的,不论是新朋或旧识。There are old or new friends who could assist us.

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但吴为保存实力,坐视张之垮台而不加援手。But Wu did nothing in order to save his own strength.

主知道,你不能独自做到,主想施出援手。He knows that you can't do it alone-He wants to assist.

他还常常伸出援手助人之需。People in need could always count on him for a hand-out.

我给了他我的电话号码,并答应伸出援手。Belnap. 'I gave him my phone number and promised to help.

有几个心有灵犀、“臭味相投”,关键时刻能互相伸出援手的好朋友。Have a few best friend, the key moment we can help each other.

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我正努力下决心伸出援手的时候,发生了让我大吃一惊的事。I was trying to make up my mind to help when I got a surprise.

节假日是向其他需要帮助的人伸出援手的好机会。The holidays are a great time to reach out to other people in need.

好莱坞绝对算是把年轻版福尔摩斯推上屏幕的幕后援手。Hollywood most certainly had a helping hand in Young Sherlock Holmes.

在西弗吉尼亚州的一些小城镇上,常常是教会施予援手。In West Virginia's small towns it is often the churches that step in.

王志们的援手固然重要,但这仅是杯水车薪。But while such support as Wang Zhi’s is vital, it is a drop in the ocean.

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羽神在空难发生后立即向人类伸出了援手。Feather immediately after the crash of God to humanity came to the rescue.

朋友是在众叛亲离时,第一个伸出援手的人。A friend is the first person who comes in when the whole world has gone out.

嘉联娱乐的黄嘉莉女士是第一个向我们伸出援手的人。Kerry's Alliance Entertainment Miss Huang Jiali is the first to bail us out.