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立刻到这儿来!Come here at once!

狗立刻有了反应。The dog responded.

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我们立刻跑了出去。We at once went out.

于是他立刻回到家。He went home at once.

我立刻达到高潮。I climaxed instantly.

她立刻把它贴在了耳朵上。It flashed to her ear.

立刻禀报国王。Inform the king at once.

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那孩子立刻泣不成声。The kid burst into tears.

我立刻喜欢上了拜妲。I liked Baida immediately.

他就立刻起来了。Immediately Aeneas got up.

立刻归回神。Return to God immediately.

是立刻买下所有的?Buy everything all at once?

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火柴立刻燃着。The match caught instantly.

请他立刻就进来。Have him in at once, please.

他打算立刻着手做这事。He intends to do it at once.

我得立刻就回家。I hafta go home immediately.

我立刻要你确切的答案。I want your definite answer.

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我立刻就会这么做的。I would have done it sooner.

立刻派人去请医生来。Send for the doctor at once.

弓箭手立刻张弓。The archers drew all at once.