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一切外道,亦复如此。This is also true with all the heretics.

佛教说“邪魔外道”。" Buddhism says, "Evil is alien to Truth.

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是则名为第一外道,立无因论。This is the first external teaching, which postulates the absence of cause.

是则名为第二外道,立圆常论。This is the second external teaching, which postulates pervasive permanence.

自皈依佛,不可同任何外道,神明护法来作究竟皈依。Since you take refuge in the Dharma, you shouldn"t harm any sentient beings."

若不持戒律,纵修习有成,亦是天魔外道。If not uphold the precepts, vertical attend contribution has also demons heretics.

你所有的讲经说法,如果没有汇归到实相,可以说都是外道。All your preaching, and if not remitted return to reality can be said that all heretics.

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任盈盈更说他们都是来加入恒山派的,这就没有邪魔外道一说了。Ying ying as more said they were sent to join the park, it did not say the crooked ways.

获得泵浦极端赛车场外道路上赛车与野生骑手道愤怒与疯狂跳!Get pumped for extreme motocross off-road racing with wild riders, road rage &crazy jumps!

这位施主也喜欢一些外道宗派,他娶妻后,过着幸福美满的生活。He lived a happy life after marriage and not long after, his wife bored him a beautiful son.

在外道开慢车就会引起交通事故。还好这是非法的,可是就没被抓到几个。People who drive slowly in the outside lane cause accidents. Good that it's illegal, but sadly too few are caught.

令狐冲刚要和岳不群说话,岳不群便说这些不怀好意想让令狐冲加入邪魔外道。Linghu chong just and yue not the cluster to talk, yue buqun said these up to no good want linghu chong to crooked ways.

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就是遇着天魔外道,你想要把他抓来的时候用。The Dharma for Hooking and Summoning is for use when you meet up with heavenly demons and externalists and want to catch them.

我们都在挤压对方,他尝试从外道出去,但是他没给我足够的空间,所以我们碰了一下。We were both equally squeezing each other. He tried to go round the outside of me, he didn't leave me enough room, so we touched.

一切众生皆有佛性,那么外道也是众生之一,也有成佛的机会,为什么要摒彼于门外呢?Followers of other religions are also living beings and also have the chance to become Buddhas, so why should they be left outside the door?

灵祖殿供奉的是王灵官。他是守护整个道观以及修道之人不受邪魔外道侵扰的道教护法神。Lingzu Palace is built to sacrifice Wang Lingguan, a god protecting the whole Taoist temple and Taoists from evil spirits and the invasion of other religions.

还有那个〈五十阴魔〉把天魔外道他们的骨头都给看穿了,把他们妖怪的这种相貌都给认识了。Furthermore, the section on the Fifty Skandha-demons exposes the celestial demons and externalists to the bone, enabling people to recognize their demonic appearance.

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在初夜时分,有个外道叫须拔陀罗来求见佛陀,并说道,“尊敬的苟答马佛陀,我有很多老师,他们教了我很多教法。In the first watch of the night Subhadda, a mendicant, came to him and said, "Venerable Gotama Buddha, I followed various doctrines taught to me by various teachers."

因为在被阿弥陀佛救渡的人面前,天神地神都尊敬地鞠躬,恶魔及外道不再能形成障碍。Because before one who has been saved by Amida, the gods of heaven and earth bow their heads in reverence, and demons and heretics can no longer offer any obstruction.

在爆炸现场,一辆停靠在使馆院墙外道路旁的阿富汗国民军军车前盖被掀飞,轮胎炸毁。In the scene of the explosion, the front cover of an Afghan National Army military vehicles which stopped at the road close to the embassy walls bombed away, and tires blew.