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小船在江面上晃荡。The small boat is rocking on the river.

水在船底晃晃荡荡的。Water was slopping around in the bottom of the boat.

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我的岁月有些乱,总之,就是颠沛流离,四处晃荡。Some years I chaos, in short, is displaced, around rock.

芬尼的两颗大毒牙就在他鼻子前晃荡,毒液滴成了两排。Two large fangs of Finney in his nose, the venom dripping into two rows.

卡门·艾尔茜拉看到自己的鞋在他头顶不到一米的地方晃荡着。Carmen Elcira looked at her shoes dangling not more than a meter above him.

某天,我又发现三个不同的更新请求在满屏幕的晃荡。The other day, I found three different pleas floating around on the screen.

他转过一个街角,跑进一条小巷里,有几个人游手好闲地晃荡在一家俱乐部外。He rounds a corner into an alley where several people loiter outside a club.

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被绞死的辩论者晃荡时,手镯上撕碎的小金属片发出刺耳的声音。When the strangled wrangler dangles the mangled spangles on the bangle jangle.

注意那些已经买了酒可还在吧台前晃荡的人。Concentrate on those who have bought drinks and are still loitering at the bar.

快点吧,你们这些印第安杂种,你们在这晃荡的功夫,我都能杀10个人了!Hurry up, you Hoosier bastard, I could kill ten men while you're fooling around!

你也可以戴些像手镯和晃晃荡荡的耳环之类的饰品。You could also wear jewellery such as wire bracelets and some dangling earrings.

快点吧,你们这些印第安杂种,你们在这晃荡的功夫,我都能杀10个人了!Hurry up, you Hoosier bastard, I could kill ten men while you are fooling around!

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他们坐在码头上,手里拿着钓鱼竿,脚板在水里晃荡。They were sitting on the dock, feet dangling in the water, Fishing poles in hand.

曼娜艾娜也常去那邻居家里,她和朋友们经常到那附近晃荡。Mana Ina likewise frequented the house because she and her friends hung around the area.

他们还把街头流浪者送到这里,因为他们不希望在世界杯期间看到他们在城市里晃荡。They took people from the streets because they don't want them in the city for the World Cup.

唯一没有变得是那空濛的草,晃荡的笑声,遥遥的,渐渐的传来。Become the only space that Mongolia is the grass, rock of laughter, distant, and gradually came.

在这不大的小城里晃荡一天,她的身体本已累极,只渴盼痛痛快快地洗个热水澡,然后倒头大睡。In this small town rock day, her body was tired, just for fun in a hot bath, and then fell asleep.

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而且效果通常比你在健身房晃荡两小时来得好。Results will usually be better than if you spend 2 hours lolly-gagging around the gym. But be warned.

目击者说整个上午200-300个簇集的男人和小孩手上拿着厚重的石块在街上晃荡。Witnesses said clusters of 200 to 300 men and boys roamed the streets all morning carrying heavy sticks.

弗罗拉爬到二楼,就停下了脚步,倾听者奇怪的声响,以此同时,整座屋子在晃荡。Flora ran up the stairs. There she stopped, listening to the strange sounds, while the whole house moved.