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酒精灯不要用嘴吹灭。Alcohol lamps Chuimie not through your mouth.

作为热源,酒精灯,建立了自己。As the heat source, an alcohol lamp is built by myself.

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拿走酒精灯。金属竿会发生什么变化?Take away the alcohol lamp. What happens to the metal rod?

有酒精灯加热一些水。水温发生什么变化?Heat some water with an alcohol lamp. What happens to the water temperature?

用软木塞及蜡将试管口封死后,放在酒精灯上加热。In the cork and wax will test tubes and put them in the mouth shut alcohol light and heat.

为了保证接种成功率,接种时使用酒精灯,效果更好。In order to ensure the success rate of vaccination, inoculation using alcohol lamp, better.

为了保证接种成功率,接种时使用酒精灯,结果更好。In order to ensure the success rdined on of vaccination, inoculation using 'scohol lamp, better.

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爱尔兰威士忌,方糖或砂糖,酒精灯烧化后倒入咖啡和鲜奶油。Irish whiskey, sugar or granulated sugar, alcohol lamp after melting into the coffee and fresh cream.

它由酒精灯主体和倒球台形的铅制底座组成。The utility model is composed of an alcohol lamp body and a lead base seat in an inverted ball table shape.

它不过是一个附有加热金属板的玻璃水瓶,下方有酒精灯加热。But it is accompanied by a heated metal plate glass bottle, there are at the bottom of alcohol heating lamp.

虽然想吃火锅,不过他们总觉得一般的酒精灯火锅太麻烦。Although want to have chaffy dish, nevertheless they always feel general spirit lamp chaffy dish is too troublesome.

酒精灯烧烤和乙醇擦拭两种消毒方法优于氧化电位水冲洗。The disinfection effects from burning and ethanol alcohol were better than that from oxidized potential acidic water.

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一种防烧手指酒精灯,属于化学试验装置技术领域。The utility model relates to a finger-burning prevention spirit lamp which belongs to the technical field of chemical test equipment.

根据这一原理对酒精灯火焰和氢气火焰的温度分布进行了全息干涉计量。The temperature profiles of the flames are calculated from measurements of the fringe shift by solving Abel-type integral equation with the Laplace transform.

酒精灯的加热温度400—500℃,适用于温度不需太高的实验,特别是在没有煤气设备时经常使用。Alcohol burner heating temperature of 400-500 ℃, suitable temperature without too much experimental, particularly in the absence of gas equipment for regular use.