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他沿着结冰的路撒砂子.He sprinkled sand along the icy path.

她把大米中的砂子筛选掉。She sifted the sand out from the rice.

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鞋里有砂子,硌脚。正在加载用户记忆法…There's some grit in the shoe, and it hurts my foot.

你应按正确的比例混合砂子和水。You should mix the sand, the water in just proportions.

砾石通常是经过筛析和粒度分级的袋装砂子。The gravel frequently is sieved and graded sand that is packed in bags.

砂子像海绵一样,将积水进行过滤,并减缓蒸发的进程。The sand acts like a sponge and filters the water and slows evaporation.

可现在小矿场都关了,砂子也差不多用完了。But the small mines have been closed down and the quartz is almost finished.

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地上全是最细的砂子,但是蓝得像硫黄发出的光焰。The earth itself was the finest sand, but blue as the flame of burning sulphur.

从井底去除砂子和碎片所用的由钢丝绳起下的捞砂筒。A wireline bailer that is used to remove sand and debris from the bottom of a well.

硅烷偶联剂亦用于许多通用的砂子环氧型复合材料中。Silane coupling agents are also used in many commercial sand-epoxy-type composites.

播种种子最好的方法就是将种子撒在等比例的泥炭土和砂子的混合介质表面上。The best way is to sow it on the surface of a mixture of equal parts peat and sand.

从井底去除砂子或碎片所用的用钢丝绳起下的装置。A wireline device that is used to remove sand or debris from the bottom of the wellbore.

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它们自然会感到好奇,所以会走来走去,一边动一边抓抓砂子。They are naturally curious so they will walk around and scratch at the clay as they move.

据说,用一个水盒淘洗河里的砂子就可以很容易地把金子筛选出来。Peope said gold could easily be picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water.

用于喷抛清理一种流动材料,例如砂子、钢丸、玻璃珠或塑胶制品。A course material used in blast cleaning, such as sand, steel shot, glass beads or plastics.

结果和你往砂子当中加水一样,小颗粒聚在了一起,混合物也几乎变成凝胶。And like when you add water to sand and it clumps together, the mix turned into almost a gel.

在第三眼中有那么一小堆砂子,竟丝毫不会影响它本身的功能。It is unbelievable that the existence of these sands in the third eye does not affect its functions.

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具有洗净度高,结构合理,处理量大,功耗小,洗砂过程中砂子流失少。High clean degree, proper structure, high processing capacity, low power consumption, low material loses.

你抓着他们的爪子,轻轻的在砂子里面挖挖,帮助它们了解到如何使用猫砂。Take their paw and gently move it in a digging motion to help them see what they can do with this litter.

砂子塘,谢谢你给了我家一般的温暖,谢谢你引导并激发了我对教学的热爱。Thank you Shazitang for making me feel so at home and giving me the chance to find out how much I love to teach.