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望穿秋水!Look through autumn water!

看破红尘,望穿秋水,又能怎样?See through Red Dust, for ages, but also what?

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望穿秋水,还想和你在星巴克聊天。Look through autum water, I wish to chat with you in Starbuck again.

在对的时间里,我望穿秋水,等待一份真的情,等待一个对的人。In time, my long-awaited, waiting for a true love, waiting for a person.

滚滚红尘里,望穿秋水,也不曾看见你衣袂飘飘的身影。Red dust, looking forward to, also did not see your clothes floating figure.

事实上,很多人对这张专辑真可谓望穿秋水,一如像其等待U2的其他各张专辑那样。A lot of people have been waiting a long time for this album as they do with every U2 album.

我已经望穿秋水了,我要为阿森纳以队长身份出战决赛,不到最后一秒,我不会放弃。I've waited too long to captain a final for Arsenal and I won't give up till the last second.

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带着一分思念,将手中的红豆抛到湖中央,望穿秋水,作别东方的云彩。A miss, will be in the hands of the red bean into the middle of the lake, looking forward to the East, to the clouds.

仅仅把给某人抛个望穿秋水的媚眼算作调情的话,单说这条原因的话,男人们扮演了同样的角色。the mere act of tossing someone a significant glance can be considered flirting and, for that reason alone, men play an equal role in the drama.

七夕相聚太遥远,八月半月圆人盼圆,九重登高把你念,十里长街望穿秋水!Chinese together are too far away to August and half months who are round round, climb up to nine heavy you read, miles of autumn children long! ! ! ! !

不要再以儿、孙为生活重心,寻找自己的园地,才不致天天望穿秋水。Don' t regard children and grandchildren as a center of life, look for personal social circles, so to avoid trapping yourself in the dilemma of anxious expectation and disappointment daily.

时隔将近20年,影迷们望穿秋水等候哈里森•福特化身为印第安那•琼斯这位30年代的历险英雄和云游四海的考古学家的再度归来,斯皮尔伯格和卢卡斯终于在2008年呈上新作。Filmgoers have been awaiting the return of Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, 30s pulp hero and globetrotting archaeologist, for almost twenty years, and Spielberg and Lucas finally delivered in 2008.