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甜菊糖苷是一种低热能的高倍甜味剂。Steviosides is a low heat energy sweetener.

双糖的糖苷配基是一个单糖单元的苷。A glycoside, the sugar component of which is glucose.

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例如糖苷酶、肽酶、磷酸酯酶。Glycosidases, peptidases, and phosphatases are examples.

天然色素花色素苷家族的一员,也被称为锦葵色素-3-葡糖苷。One of a family of natural pigments called anthocyanins.

该方法适用于其他氨基糖苷类抗生素。This method is suitable for other aminoglycoside antibiotics.

松香基葡萄糖苷为烷基糖苷的一种。The rosin-based polyglucoside is one kind of alkyl polyglucoside.

双糖的糖苷配基是一个单糖单元的苷。A compound containing three monosaccharide units is a trisaccharide.

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目的探讨氨基糖苷类抗生素致聋的原因。Objective To analyze the reason of deafness caused by Aminoglycosides.

常规的理化分析得出B组分为氨基糖苷类化合物。B was identified as aminoglycoside compound by general analysis method.

双糖的糖苷配基是一个单糖单元的苷。Disaccharides are glycosides in which the aglycon is a monosaccharide unit.

这是关于内生真菌产槲皮素类糖苷的首次报道。This is the first report on quercetin glycoside produced by endophytic fungus.

白藜芦醇在自然条件下,以自由态和糖苷两种形式存在。Resveratrol exists in the glycoside form which is known as piceid and free form.

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而这两种细菌糖苷酶可以剥去A,B和AB型血细胞表面的抗原。The bacterial glycosidase enzymes strip these antigens away from A, B and AB blood.

为存在变旋行为的糖及糖苷类化合物的研究提供了准确可行的方法。The study has provided available and reliable method for the mutarotation of water.

PCR法检测氨基糖苷类修饰酶编码基因。The PCR was performed to determine the genotypes of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes.

考察了十二烷基葡糖苷和十六烷基葡糖苷的溶血活性。Make an investigation on haemolysis active of lauryl glucoside and hexadecyl glucoside.

利用糖苷酶对糖基化合物的糖基定向改造工程是目前一个研究的热点。Selectivity modification of glycoside by glycosidase is one of the most fascinating topics.

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本文介绍了烷基糖苷的合成方法,主要性能和用途。The synthetic method, main properties and application of alkyl indican has been introduced.

UPTG等都属于糖苷转移酶类,在纤维细胞的发育中起重要作用。These glycosyltransferases, such as CesA, Csl, RGP, UPTG etc, are important in fiber cells.

鉴于氨基糖苷类抗生素发展的现状,98-23值得进一步研究。Considering the position of aminoglycoside antibiotics, 98-23 is worthy of research further.