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海龟与红色莫霍克。Turtles with red mohawk.

海龟们把2N做为止损点。The Turtles used a 2N stop.

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海龟在沙滩上产完卵之后。After laying eggs on the beach.

第五天,他们抓到了一只海龟。The next day they caught a turtle.

但是海龟们分家了。But here is where Turtles separated.

特里能看见那边有只海龟漂来浮去。He could see a turtle floating nearby.

只有男性首领才可以吃海龟肉。Only male chiefs could eat turtle meat.

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老海龟知道大事不好,只等着倒霉啦。The old turtle know only wait for luck.

尔勒·科夫是年龄最大的海龟。Erle Keefer was the oldest Turtle hired.

密歇根州联合城的海龟度湖假村Turtle Lake Resort, Union City, Michigan

海豹、海龟、企鹅均有鳍状肢。Seals, turtles and penguins have flippers.

“我们手里拿着海龟蛋,”马蒂尔德说。“We had eggs in our hands, ” Matilda said.

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一个汉子走过来,用力把海龟翻个四脚朝天。A man came and slammed the turtle out fall.

海龟是如何感受环境的?How do sea turtles sense their environment?

海龟也被观察到具有这样的行为。Turtles have also been observed in the act.

对海龟来说,钱就是母奶。Money was mother's milk in a Turtle's world.

棱皮龟是世界上最大型的海龟。Leatherbacks are the world's largest turtles.

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中国对顶级“海龟”有很强烈的需求。Top-caliber "sea turtles" are in high demand.

我今年22岁了,换算成海龟的年龄大约是35岁。I'm 22 years ins like 35 in s-ea turtle years.

海龟猛拉狗狗又猛地掉下了水!The turtle yanked the dog right into the water!