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大瑶山的考察改变了费孝通一生学术研究的方向。The investigation of Dayaoshan had changed Fei Xiaotong's direction of the academic research in all his life.

山清水秀的神秘大瑶山养育出的瑶族女子也是充满着乡间的纯朴美丽。The Yao girls have pure and natural beauty who grow up in the picturesque scenery of Yao mountains and Yao villages.

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在大瑶山里,长毛瑶定居稻耕,过山瑶迁徙游耕,他们是中国瑶族两种文化类型的缩影。In this area, that Changmao Yao settled down while Guoshan Yao moved from one place to another represents two cultures of China's Yao.

大瑶山瑶族石牌制度形成于明代,有明显的形成、发展、衰落、废止的发展过程。The Yao's Shipai System in Mt. Dayao was established in the Ming Dynasty, with clear process of formation, development, declination, and abolishment.

桂东大瑶山金矿成矿区是广西主要金矿成矿区之一,龙水、桃花、古袍等金矿是其典型代表。Mt. Dayaoshan metallogenetic province in East Guangxi is one of major gold metallogenetic provinces in Guangxi. The typical examples there are Longshui.

通过对瑶山墓地出土玉冠状器的类型学研究,排比了该墓地13座墓葬的下葬顺序及其可能的成因。Through the typological study of the hat-shaped jade of YaoShan cemetery, we arranged the time of the 13 tombs, and inferred the reason of this appearance.

武广客运专线大瑶山一号隧道地质构造复杂,岩溶、裂隙、溶洞是大瑶山隧道的的重要特点。Dayaoshan tunnel on Wuhan-Guangzhou passenger-dedicated railway has the particularities of complex geological conditions, including karsts, fissures and karst caves.

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瑶山甜茶还具有控糖、降血脂等作用,百色甜茶的其它药理作用研究尚少。Rubus suavissimus S. Lee can also control the sugar and lower blood fats and so on, other pharmacological action of Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd are seldom studied.

费孝通教授一生五次上瑶山考察,1935的考察是为了研究瑶族的社会组织和社会生活。Professor Fei Xiaotong in his life made five investigations at Yao Mountains. The first investigation in 1935 was conducted to study the social organization and life of the Yaos.

瑶山甜茶和百色甜茶主要含甜味成分、抗过敏成分等,都具有抗过敏作用。Rubus suavissimus S. Lee and Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd mainly contain the sweet taste constituents, the anti-allergic constituents and so on, both have anti-allergy function.

赘婚是一种男子就婚于女方、以女方为主体关系的婚姻形式,至今仍存在于广西金秀瑶族自治县大瑶山花蓝瑶地区。The uxorilocal marriage is one kind of marriage form, that the husband leaves his natal family, moves to his wife's family, and takes the main body relations by the wife's family.

研究地自然概况介绍了广西金秀大瑶山自然保护区的地理位置、地形地貌、气候、土壤、水文、植被和动物等情况。The general condition mainly tells the geographical position , topography, land forms, climate, soil , hydrology , plants and animals of the Jinxiu county Dayao Mountain in Guangxi.

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最大的石牌是“三十六瑶七十二村大石牌”,管辖面几乎覆盖整个大瑶山,其法律条文具有大瑶山“宪法”的性质。The largest Pai is "the Grand Pai of 36 Yao and 72 Villages" which administers almost the whole Mt. Dayao. Its legal terms and conditions possess the nature of "the constitution of Mt.

大瑶山凸起西南缘平硐—旺石铅锌成矿带的地质背景极有利于流体的活动和大型、超大型矿床的形成。The geological background of Pingdong-Wangshi lead-zinc deposits, a zone in the southwest of Dayaoshan, is very advantageous for the fluid to extract and transfer the ore elements and form deposits.

以广西大瑶山为例,运用定量方法对各个族群内部的异质性进行测量,以使人们能够大致地把握这些族群内部在某些客观特征方面的分化程度。This paper makes a quantitative analysis of the ethnic heterogeneity of Dayaoshan Guangxi so as to help people understand the differentiation of these ethnic groups in some objective characteristics.