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不要将你的敬畏建立在他们的幌子之上。Don’t base your awe of them on their aphorisms.

她的自吹自擂不过是不真诚的幌子。His bragging is just a front for his insincerity.

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搓,只不过是个晃子,是个吸引你注意力的幌子而己。Rub, is a mere Akiko, is attracting you herring and others.

有的人是开酒店为幌子,主要是开赌庄。Somebody opens the hotel for the shop sign, gamble in the village mainly.

看起来有点像中情局的幌子。还要栽赃内部的人,够损的。That seems a little like a CIA front. Framing a company man. Bold stroke.

我本来担心这女人除去拿她的孩子装幌子再也没有更好的想法呢!I feared the woman had no better thought than to make a mountebank of her child!

这是暴徒们举着‘性、犯罪和战争’的幌子的另一场袭击。This is another false flag attack in the thugs-agenda of Sex, Crime and Warfare.

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用“学生调查”作为幌子的实验旨在测试不同程度解释的效果。Experimenters used the 'student survey' as a cover to manipulate levels of construal.

其实那只是一个幌子,我是想把太阳神的所有先知都聚集起来,好让我一次过杀个精光。I just wanted it to be a way, to gather all theprophets of Baal, so I could kill them.

我坚信,打着战争幌子的杀伐,不过是谋杀而已。It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.

在“屏幕”的幌子是由由物理塑胶机构镶嵌了一个模式。The screen facade is formed by a tessellated pattern made up by physical plastic bodies.

虽然这种中立主义强调的是多样性,但是它只是一个幌子。Despite the fact that this kind of neutralism accents diversity, it does so in name only.

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但目前沈城很多药店却都打着卖药的幌子还经营其它商品。However, many pharmacies are selling other kinds of products under the cover of pharmacy.

金融业在创新的幌子下,在原来的风险之上又增加了意料之外的风险。The financial sector, under the guise of innovation, piled ill-considered risk upon risk.

荣生扯着幌子又说是给他人买CD又是请他人看片子什么的!RongSheng was again at the cover to others buy CD is please others what watch movies! ! ! ! !

因此,周六上班的纪律监督与服务质量依然不能松懈,不能让美其名曰“周六加班”成了“混水摸鱼”的幌子。Therefore, the supervision on the discipline and service should not be any looser on Saturday.

医生在给患者授权的幌子下使他们处于不公平的地位。This is an unfair position in which doctors place patients, under the guise of empowering them.

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啊,有没有可能少数特别的欺骗性的恶意软件假借合法行为的幌子潜入系统?Ah, but could a particularly deceptive bit of malware sneak in under the guise of something legitimate?

但是在老百姓眼中,财富只是掩盖的是特权的一个幌子,专业的背后只有虚伪的利益。But ordinary people often saw wealth as a cover for privilege and expertise as disguised self-interest.

大学官员还在假惺惺地掩饰,打着幌子说他们是在保护申请人的隐私。University officials are hiding behind the disingenuous claim that they're protecting applicants' privacy.