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砒霜真会让银发黑吗?Is it true the arsenic blackens silver?

为什么我满头银发?Why does my hair glisten a shiny silver?

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现在他们已变成满头银发的老人了。Now they have silvered into grand old men.

我今天看到好多魅力银发熟男。I see a lot of silver foxes out there today.

满头银发的男人围坐在煤油暖气机。Silver-headed men sit around kerosene heaters.

他是个到了退休年龄左右的男人,有着满头银发,厚实的双手。He was of retirement age, with white hair and thick hands.

她的外祖父胡子刮的很干净,满头银发。Her grandfather was clean-shaven, with a full head of white hair.

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他是一位上了年纪的绅士,满头银发,两眼炯炯有神。He is an elderly gentleman, silver-haired, with a twinkle in his eyes.

未来的城市里,随处可见的不会是机器人,而是“银发一族”。Cities of the future won't be filled with androids but with 'silver citizens'.

而前台那,一银发男子站立着,一鸽子站在他的肩上。At the front desk, a man with silvery hair stands with a pigeon on his shoulder.

汉纳是一位非常慈祥的银发老人,她满脸微笑,眼神和蔼。Hannah was a sweet, silver-haired old-timer with a warm smile and friendly eyes.

他站起来,看见妈妈的眼睛在纷乱的银发下望着他。Standing up, he saw his mother gazing at him from under her dishevelled white hair.

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她是一个和蔼的老人,满头银发,面带微笑,神采奕奕。She was a sweet, silverhaired old-timer with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

一位稍有银发、金发碧眼的女主持人,举手投足间带着同情心,采访了我一个多小时。A frosted-blond anchorwoman with a sympathetic manner interviewed me for over an hour.

祖母咯咯地笑着,这位满头银发的老妇人令人吃惊地发出了少女般的笑声。Grandma giggled, a surprisingly girlish sound coming from an old lady with white hair.

只见眼前的这位美女银发飘飘,就是乱的有点像蜘蛛网。I saw this beautiful silver hair fluttering in front of that mess a bit like a spider web.

接见我的是一位高挑轻盈,满头银发的女人,她虽然年逾古稀,但神采奕奕,风韵犹存。I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70's, white-haired, and still beautiful.

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爸爸妈妈,当我突然发现你们鬓角的银发,才知道,时间飞逝,我的这二十年人生的每一次精彩是你们用自己的青春换来的……Mom, Dad, it is till now that I know every step I take in my life relys on your sacrifice to me.

手持多功能拐杖,令银发贵族风度非凡。With multifunctional sticks in hand, the silver-haired noBles can show their outstanding manners.

餐车",一位满头银发,脖子处都是褶皱的松垂皮肤的老人回答到。"Diner," answered the aging man with silver hair and loose skin that hung in folds around his neck.