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我们必须成为又红又专。We must become'red and expert'.

他是一个又红又专的学生。He is a both red and expert student.

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做一个又红又专的大学生。Be a both loyal and professional college student.

我一定为革命努力学习,争取做到又红又专。I must study hard for the revolution, to be best and profession.

我希望能考上大学。我一定为革命努力学习,争取做到又红又专。I will study hard for the revolution and strive to be both red and expert.

这些工人说话的语气都是“又红又专”,对自己所做的工作特别自豪。They were all speaking in that super-red hero-of-the-revolution language and were very proud of the work they had done.

加强师德建设,培养一支又红又专的教师队伍,是学校工作带有战略意义的重要举措。Strengthening the construction of the teachers' morality and educating the teachers are the strategic steps in school work.

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第二个问题,关于建设宏大的又红又专的科学技术队伍。The second question is that of building a large contingent of scientific and technical personnel who are both "red and expert".

我想向大家保证,爱情的又红又专的专家,一热,由发行一组,在爱情上的工作,作出自己应有的贡献!I want to assure you have, love of Both Red and Expert, one-heat, by the issue of one, in love on the job to make its due contributions to!

铝与铜、镁及其他一些金属化合生成一种合金,这种合金轻,而且结实,足以又红又专得起飞行的压力。Combining aluminium with copper, magnesium , and other metals yields an alloy that is light, yet strong enough to stand up to the stresses of flight.

由于苏联教育模式的引入和计划经济的推行,主张“又红又专”的专才教育。It maintained the value orientation of professional education with "red and experts" by leading in the Soviet educational modes and spreading the plan economy.

我们希望广大教师努力在政治上、业务上不断提高,沿着又红又专的道路前进。We hope that all teachers will work hard to steadily raise their political and professional levels and become increasingly socialist-minded and professionally competent.