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释放了整夜被幽禁的音乐。And loosing the pent-up music of overnight.

她们被幽禁在背离月光的黑暗城堡中。Just trapped in castle of dark side of moon.

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美丽的丽阿·西耳薇娅被幽禁在维斯塔庙里。Fair Rhea Silvia had been shut up in the temple of Vesta.

美丽的丽阿?西耳薇娅被幽禁在维斯塔庙里。Fair rhea silvia had been shut up in the temple of vesta.

而被幽禁在博派基地深处的威震天,为何会在他的牢房内展颜微笑?And why is Megatron, deep in the Autobot base and stuck in his cell, laughing?

弗兰基幽禁期结束时,它的朋友们聚集在马厩门旁。When Frankie's confinement was over, Frankie's friends gathered by the stable Door.

荣狄命令将丁瑶幽禁后宫,择好日子迎娶为王后!DingYao sardis command will honor the shameless, choosing good day for the temple married queen!

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猫知道如何获得食物却不花力气,获得栖身之所却不受幽禁,获得宠爱却不受处罚。Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter Without confinement, and love without penalties.

美国各农场中幽禁着2亿8千只母鸡,这些鸡笼小到母鸡连翅膀都伸不开。U.S. factory farms confine about 280 million hens in cages so small, they can't even spread their wings.

薇妮以老爷需求静养为由制止仆人上楼,实践上将艾卡林幽禁。Eu ni to master demand by stop servant upstairs and rehabilitating the shameless admiral moxa colin practice.

就像船的特点是被驾驭着航行,爱情不允许被幽禁,只允许被推向前。As the characteristics of the ship is sailing drive, love is not permitted to YouJin, only allowed to be before.

就像船的特点是被驾驭着航行,爱情不允许被幽禁,只允许被推向前。Features like the ship was sailing master, love does not allow to be imprisoned, only allowed to be pushed forward.

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美国各农场中幽禁着2亿8千只母鸡,这些鸡笼小到母鸡连翅膀都伸不开。科学研究证实了这养的笼子会给母鸡带来痛苦。U.S. factory farms confine about 280 million hens in cages so small, they can't even spread their wings. Extensive scientific research confirms this causes suffering.

美国各农场中幽禁着2亿8千只母鸡,这些鸡笼小到母鸡连翅膀都伸不开。科学研究证实了这养的笼子会给母鸡带来痛苦。U. S. factory farms confine about 280 million hens in cages so small, they can't even spread their wings. Extensive scientific research confirms this causes suffering.

那些被幽禁在此地的人的愤怒和痛苦,他们对于邪恶的渴望没有办法得到满足,这都是因为斯巴达在他们面前封印了魔界的大门。The rage and agonies of the people. Those who were confined here. With their desires for Evil being unfulfilled. It was all because Sparda slammed the door to the Demon World in their faces.