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粘度稳定剂延长了鲜胶乳的凝固时间。Are there set hours of work in your company?

研究了附聚胶乳接枝反应并测试了接枝胶乳性能。It is studied the graft reaction of agglutinated latex.

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把布片的反面也涂满胶乳。Coat the bottom side of the fabric with the latex rubber.

合成橡胶胶乳由乳液聚合制成。Synthetic rubber latex is made by emulsion polymerization.

工业用,主要来自巴西,天然胶乳橡胶树。Industrial use, mainly from Brazil, natural rubber latex Hevea.

红外线在胶乳中衰减特性初探。Preliminary study on attenuation of infrared ray in rubber latex.

通过挥发或离心作用提高胶乳的浓度。The latex concentration is raised by evaporation or centrifugation.

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另外,胶乳的直接补强也未得到很好解决。In addition, the latex reinforcement has not been directly addressed.

胶乳工业是以胶体化学为基础,有其独特的工艺。Latex is a colloid chemistry-based industries, has its own unique process.

其阻燃背衬胶乳氧指数可达70以上。The Oxgen index of the fire retarding back-coating latex exceed not over70.

本文讨论了螯合稀土钼在胶乳再生调节中的作用。The effects of the CRM on the regulation of latex regeneration is discussed.

粘度稳定剂延长了鲜胶乳的凝固时间。The viscidity stabilizers lengthened the solidified time of the fresh latex.

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研究石棉胶乳板的抄取工艺。This paper investigates the papermaking technology of asbestos latex sheets.

乳化剂用量加大,对胶乳的电解质稳定性无明显的影响。The content of emulsifiers does not influence the latex′s electrolyte stability.

对丁基再生胶胶乳的制备及其相关影响因素进行了研究。The preparation and the related factors for latex of reclaimed IIR were studied.

综述了聚合物胶乳中残留单体的几种脱除方法。A few methods for removal of residual monomers from polymer latexes were reviewed.

结论复方蜂胶乳膏是一种安全性较好的外用制剂。Conclusion Compound propolis cream is an external preparation with better security.

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胶乳会让布片防水,但注意它们可能会互相黏住。The latex will make the fabric waterproof, but be mindful that latex sticks to latex.

胶乳的再生和排出均与乳管膨压存在一定关联。The regeneration and flow of the latex are related with laticiferous turgor pressure.

研究了各组分和工艺参数对无石棉胶乳抄取密封材料悬浮液稳定性的影响。The influence of each component and parameter on the stability of suspension was studied.