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碘酒烧灼得伤口火辣辣的。The cuts Burn from the iodine.

烧灼燃烧器必须消毒。Cautery burners need to be sterilized.

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他在玻璃厂烧灼了手。He burned his hands at the glass-works.

激光束可以烧灼和愈合溃疡。Laser beams may cauterize and heal ulcers.

他小便时感到烧灼和疼痛。He has had burning or pain when he urinates.

烧灼伤口技能所造成的伤害从10增加到15。Cauterize damage taken increased from 10 to 15.

它也可以很容易地发射烧灼一手,最喜欢的手枪。It also can be easily fired singe-handedly, like most pistols.

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应用烧灼巩膜静脉的方法制作大鼠慢性EIOP模型。Cauterization of episcleral vein was used to set up rat's EIOP model.

抗病毒霜剂或油膏能减轻烧灼、瘙痒、刺痛感。An antiviral cream or ointment can relieve the burning, itching, or tingling.

方法采用冰醋酸烧灼法制备大鼠胃溃疡模型。MethodsThe model rats with gastric ulcer were prepared by glacial acetic acid.

病人为了减轻烧灼样的疼痛,通常会把感染的部位浸入水中。To soothe the burning pain, patients often immerse the infected area in water.

经过一整年的治疗,对烧灼、冷冻治疗及外敷咪�莫特等疗法皆无效。Over one year they failed to respond to cautery, cryotherapy and topical imiquimod.

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他们能够学习肠粘膜活检、烧灼、甚至肠息肉套扎术。They have the ability to perform mucosal biopsies, cautery and even snaring polyps.

早期病变可以有效地用放射线或烧灼术和刮除术来治疗。Early lesions can be successfully treated with irradiation or cautery and curettage.

穿过体育馆的路仿佛没有尽头,我感觉得到朋友们的注视像烈火烧灼在背上。The walk across the gym seems endless. I can feel my friends' gazes burning my back.

尸体上大都有爆能枪能量束烧灼的痕迹,但有几具尸体被光剑砍过。The corpses were burned by blaster fire, but several exhibited slashes from a lightsaber.

圣焰洗礼你的仇敌,不单烧灼他们的肉体,也烧灼他们的灵魂。Divine fire washes over your foe, burning not only its physical form but the very stuff of its soul.

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当裸露、烧灼的地球在巨型太阳的火苗之上运行时,朝太阳的方向地球会产生一个凸起。Skimming over the flame tops of this giant, the bare, burned Earth would produce a bulge in the Sun.

我所有的是痛苦的死亡滋味,以及犹如剧毒的虚无在我的体内烧灼。There is in me the bitter taste of death, and nothingness is burning within me like a strong poison.

目的探讨碘酊烧灼联合氟康唑治疗真菌性角膜溃疡的疗效。Objective To study the effect of iodine tincture cautery and Fluconazole on treating fungal corneal ulcer.