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君王阿,要听!Hear this, you kings!

他称这些法官为"巴赛勒斯","君王"He calls them basileis, kings.

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请众前来。要在我众的上帝君王前叩拜。O come let us worship God our King.

哪一个君王不过是外强中干的空架子?Who is this king, but a king of air?

一道精致的大菜向君王侍奉。A dainty dish to set before the King.

其预言令君王之血再度冻凝。The blood of monarchs with his prophecies.

君王发狂,百姓遭殃。Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.

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君王发狂,英语格言有那些。百姓遭殃。Kings gompost, and the people suffer for it.

马奇亚维利将君王比作先知。Machiavelli compares the prince to a prophet.

我知道他是足以拥有一位皇后的君王。And I know he is a king who deservers a queen.

帝王借我坐国位。君王借我定公平。By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.

劝君王饮酒听虞歌。There you drink while listening to my singing.

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我已祝圣我的君王,在熙雍我的圣山上。But I have put my king on my holy hill of Zion.

神子君王要治理未来的世界。I. God's King Son is to rule the world to Come.

君王同意并安排酒宴。The king agreed and the banquets were arranged.

这一个君王们的御座,这一个统于一尊的岛屿。This royal throne of kings, this sceptered isle.

伟大的君王们正从星星上俯视我们。The great kings look down on us from those stars.

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像流放中的君王,被废黜到地狱。Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld.

这表明他自命为宇宙君王。This signified his claim to be a universal monarch.

一位信心伟人被一个异教君王下了逐客令!A man of faith was asked to leave by a heathen king!