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森林学和地理学有关。Forestry appertains to geography.

地理学的意义改变了。The meaning of geography had changed.

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我将来要成为一名地理学者。I want to be a geographer in the future.

王荷生,1992,植物区系地理学,科学出版社。Wieser, J. 1992 Vegetation of the Earth.

我叫玛丽,我丈夫是地理学者。My name is Marry , my husband is a geographer.

此外,地理学还强调发生学原则。Besides, it lays emphasis on genetic principles.

方法采用动物地理学原理和方法。Methods Using Zoogeography principle and method.

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方法运用动物地理学原理和方法。Methods Using zoogeography principle and method.

地质学、地理学和技术学的前沿The Frontiers of Geology, Geography and Technology

自然地理学是地理学的一个分支。Physical Geography is a subdiscipline of Geography.

这在古地理学中是个重大的进展。This is an important development in palaeogeography.

抓捕本·拉登,生物地理学能帮上忙吗?Can the Science of Biogeography Find Osama Bin Laden?

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区位理论是现代地理学的核心。The theory of location is the core of modern geography.

生物地理学研究动植物的地理分布。Biogeography is the study of plant and animal distribution.

区位理论是现代经济地理学基本理论的重要组成部分。Location theory is one of basic parts of economic geography.

来自国家地理学会社会图片集Photograph from National Geographic Society Image Collection

对青藏高原蝇科昆虫进行了生物地理学研究。The muscid biogeography of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is studied.

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过去的科学实践已证明地理学是全球环境变化研究的重要力量。Geography has played an important role in GEC study in the past.

森林学与地理学、植物学和农学有关。Forestry appertains to geography , to botany, and to agriculture.

地理思维的基础是地理学的基本范畴。The basis of geographic thinking is the basic catagory of geography.