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切宜仔细。Act carefully!

她仔细地整理头发。She primped her hair.

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他为迎接来客仔细整理。He primps for callers.

好吧,但你得仔细听好了。OK,but listen carefully.

男孩和女孩,仔细听好了!Boys and girls, listen up!

仔细瞧我的动作!Watch my motion carefully.

她的仔细认真成为对我的鞭策。Her carefulness rebukes me.

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仔细看一下。There are two other drafts.

我们往阴暗处仔细瞧。We peered into the shadows.

但我仔细想了一下。But then I thought about it.

请把这些信件仔细归档。File these letters carefully.

现在,就让我们调暗灯,仔细地欣赏吧。Let's dim the lights and see.

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请仔细阅读以下条款Read the following carefully.

他仔细地为他的剧本构思。He plotted his play carefully.

仔细想想这层关系。Just ponder that for a moment.

请仔细地听我说。Listen to me carefully. pease.

一二三四数仔细。One two three four move again.

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他仔细望望太阳。He looked at the sun carefully.

仔细考虑好再做!Think it over before you do it!

我们试着仔细阅读。We're trying to read carefully.