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筑巢修建或占有一个巢…To build or occupy a nest.

就这样,长城的修建开始了。So the Great Wall was begun.

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从1070年城堡开始修建。The Castle began life in 1070.

这里将修建一条新马路。A new road will be built there.

彼得大帝修建了这座新都He constructs this new capital.

这座教堂是远在1556年修建的。This church dates back to 1556.

他还打算修建新的帝国首都He wants to build a capital city.

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这座房子是用石头修建的。The house was made out of stone.

这些房子是1924年修建的。These houses were put up in 1924.

在何处修建新的设施?Where to build new installations?

神经病在空中修建城堡。Neurotics build castles in the sky.

他们将在这儿修建一座生产洫的工厂。They will build a car factory here.

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去冬我们在修建一座大坝。We were building a dam last winter.

正在修建一条新铁路。A new railway is under construction.

它是模仿一种欧洲的样式修建的。It was built after a European model.

哪条是林则徐修建的呢?Which was the one built by Lin Zexu?

鲍兹·尼格罗一直没有重新修建他的房屋。Boaz Negro did not rebuild his house.

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在泡沫言论盛嚣尘上的同时,建筑商们还在继续修建房屋。Builders, meanwhile, continue to build.

很多城镇都修建了10米高的防护墙。Ten-meter high walls defend many towns.

他们要修建一座巨大的游艇码头。They're building a goddam yacht harbor.